"Yes you are. You can't live in hiding your whole life."

"I'm not ready! What if he comes back?"

"He wont. We'll keep the door locked."

"Like that worked so well last time."

Adam and the boys came out of the practice room  and went into the kitchen where we were.

"This conversation isn't over." Matt said and then walked away. He went towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

He shut the door in my face.

Brad sat on the couch. "What was that all about?"

"Remember when I said Matt had a jealousy problem?"


"Well he thinks I broke up Nora and Adam so I could get with Adam. He also wants to go back to the apartment already even though I'm not ready."

I sat down next to Brad on the couch.

"Are you going to go back?"

"What choice do I have? I mean I can't just leave Matt."

"Is everything okay between you two?"

I sighed. "I don't know. But I should go back soon. Just to talk to him. I think I'm gonna stay here another night."

Brad told Neil, Barry, and Adam what was going on and that I would be back. I drove over to the apartment and made my way up to it. I used my key to get in.


I slowly looked through the apartment, but he wasn't there.

"That asshole!"

I called him and he answered.


"Hey I came to the apartment to talk to you, but your not here."

"I didn't think you would come."

"Well I did. Where are you?"

There was a pause. "I'll be there soon."

"No. I'm not waiting here for you. Where are you?"

"I'm at a bar okay."

I sighed in frustration. I hung up. I let out a scream of frustration and started laughing. Why was he being so rude all of a sudden?

I went back to Adams and spent the night there. I ignored Matt for the rest of the day. I decided I would talk to him the next day.

When I woke up it was almost 11. Adam was watching tv.

"Why did you let me sleep so long?"

"You needed it."

"Has Matt come by?"

Adam sighed. "He called you a bunch this morning, but he hasn't come here."

I rubbed my eyes. "Great."

My phone started ringing again and I answered it.

"Hey Matt."

"Hey. Are you coming home today?"

I sighed. "If you promise me you're actually going to be there when I come by."

"Okay." And then he hung up.

I walked into the room and Adam was messing with his guitar.

"I'm heading over to the apartment to talk to Matt."

He stood up. "Okay. Can I ask you something?"


"I know we haven't known each other very long, but you have an amazing voice and I was wondering if you wanted to come on tour with the band?"

I sighed. "Oh, um. I'm not sure."

"You just have an amazing voice and I saw some of the lyrics you wrote and I think you make a great addition to the band."

"Well, I'm flattered, but I don't think Matt would approve. I'd have to talk to him first. And even then I'm not sure it would be a yes."

He nodded his head. "Okay. Just let me know."

"Sounds good."

I left and drove to the apartment. I walked in and saw Nora sitting on the couch with him.

"What the hell is she doing here?"

She was crying onto his chest and he was holding her. He didn't say anything.

"Get out Nora!" She was startled by my tone so she ran out of the apartment.

"You don't have the right to make her leave after what you did!" Matt said.

"Whatever she told you was a lie."

"She said you would say that."

We spent what felt like an eternity fighting.

"I can't keep arguing with you like this! It's not good for either of us and were not working through the problem!

I heard someone knocking on the door but Matt wouldn't let me answer it.

"If thats Adam coming to see you you're so dead."

He had never threatened me like that and I was scared.

"I didn't tell him to come here. Nora probably brought him."

I don't know why what I said pissed him off so bad but it caused him to hit me and I fell to the floor.

He knelt down next to me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. Please get up."

I saw the door open and Adam pushed Matt off of me.

"Hey. You're okay. How's your head?"

He helped me sit up. "Not bad. I think he just stunned me."

"Okay. Stay here."

He walked over to Matt and started yelling at him and they started fighting.

I pulled Adam away and Nora pulled Matt away.

"Well, Adam. I'll take that offer to go on tour with you."


Matt and Nora left the apartment and Adam and I just stood there.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I don't know. That was two years of my life down the drain."

"Well, let's get you packed and over to my house and we can talk more later."


We started packing my stuff up and then went to his house.

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