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Austin's POV

I heard a commotion come from the Ohier household, the house which contained the world's greatest person

it might sound cringe but it's because no one knows Miyhara like I do

we met in this shitty neighbourhood a year ago when our families both moved at the same time due to sudden financial issues

we lived right next door to eachother and often climbed up to her roof and share secrets

we told eachother everything...

there was one secret I never got to tell her though

the one secret that ate me up inside because I couldn't tell the one person I tell everything

(you can probably see I'm not good at keeping things in)

I was determined to tell her when we got back to school and after I finished my comic I had been saving to read for months

it's not like miyhara was going anywhere right?

plus, I needed a distraction from her, because lately she's been all I can think about

her pretty Hazel eyes with hints of green, her jet black hair that was always tied up, her pretty smile that would make anyone melt...

I went back to reading my comic because quite frankly, thinking about a girl this much at the age of 11 was never heard of and sure I liked her, but not that much

I saw one of the characters who was called Mia, it made me reminisce on why I call her that

everyone else usually called her by her full name and her family mostly called her hara

this one time after her family had gone to their aunts place for thanksgiving, she came back slightly drunk bcz she found some wine unattended, and when I called her miyhara, she questioned in a quiet whisper, "who's miyhara?"

I told her it was her name and she pouted saying "nooOo, my names Mia with a k. K-T-W-P, Mia"

I laughed to myself wishing I had brought a camera to record this reaction because everyone else had left the room 5 minutes ago to grab some food

it was the first time I actually started to realise how pretty she was

we were only ten at the time but I finally found what all my cartoons and comics always talked about

love, I loved Mia, I always saw those cartoons and thought it was all fake

mostly because I was old enough to know that animated hearts don't pop out of your eyes whenever you saw that person

I was still debating on whether there were real butterflies in my stomach or if that was fake too

it doesn't feel fake

(damn, 10 year old crushes went harddd)

I decided I would call her Mia from that day on because it felt like our own private moment that no one knew about except us

Well, me and a half conscious Mia ofcourse

my thoughts were once again interrupted by a light knock on my bedroom door

I figured it was my mum coming to check on me thinking that I was studying,

I quickly got up from my bed and put the comic in my mouth while rummaging through my bag trying to get my science book out

mostly because I had told my mum that i was studying science and she would get suspicious if I had another book out

I also had my trousers off because it was super hot out and we couldn't exactly afford air conditioning

I was still bent over looking for my book when I suddenly someone laughing hard behind me

I looked up to see Mia laughing at the sight of me, asking what I was doing

A/N: I'm too lazy to write the conversation part again soo, also yes this is way too dramatic for 10-11 year olds but womp womp, js pretend like their older or smth so it doesn't seem weird

- time skip -

Mia ran out before I had the chance to tell her how I really felt

I was heartbroken that she would even leave me like this

to leave with such little explanation and not even bothering to give me one last hug

she ran out without atleast spending the rest of the time she had left in this neighbourhood with me

I felt hurt that my bestfriend and the one girl I would do anything for would just leave me like that

Miyhara's POV

it was 3 am and I hadn't been able to sleep at the thought of leaving Austin like this

I eventually drifted off to sleep and woke up to the sound of a moving truck being backed up into our driveway

everyone was already up and putting their stuff in the truck and I went to join

I had wished that Austin had come out and given me a hug and to tell me that everything was going to be just fine but he didn't

I know the way I left him yesterday was wrong but I was so overwhelmed with emotion that it hadn't crossed my mind

I saw the curtains to his window close and I knew then that I had lost my bestfriend for good


2 chapters in one day 🥳🥳

also don't judge me for my writing skills, I don't remember how 11 year olds act 😭

you can pretend they're older but in the next chapters they will be 16 and 17 and will both be in grade 11

I may not be the best a writing either so sorry for that 😅

by the way the first 5 chapters were heavily edited but I think its fine cuz there aren't more than 10 readers lol

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