rags to riches

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Miyhara's POV

it was when Timira was teasing me that we heard dad's car pull up in the drive way

we both stuck our heads out the window only to see our father who was clicking his feet as he opened the door

(I swear, all he did was walk to the door, 11 year old me must've been on drugs)

he yelled for everyone to come down looking happier than I had ever seen him

that includes the birth of his children

I shaked away the thoughts as Timara and I made a wordless agreement to see who would hug dad the fastest

ofcourse Timara beat me by pulling my shirt back right before I got to him

other days our dad would be fair and tell her off but he was too happy about whatever happened to care about anything else

I didn't really mind because Timira had a reputation of cheating

her exams, her assignments, her competitions, her exe's....

the list could've gone on forever if it hadn't been for our mother interrupting me holding a frying pan and asking what happened

she must've thought an intruder had broken in and came to save the day

(I see where I got my blind confidence from)

"I got a huge promotion at the company today," our dad explained

"it turns out the company had taken my 'bad business idea' into consideration and it turned out to be a hugeee hit!!" he continued grinning from ear to ear

"pack your bags kids, we're moving to the richest neighbourhood in town," he added making us all look at him like he had horns sticking out of his head

"that's very sudden, don't you think? and we would surely need the money for our necessities," my mother being the more reasonable one pointed out

"that's not even a quarter of the pay check that I'm getting, apparently my idea was so good that I was promoted 3 spots higher!" my dad replied

Timira ran back up the stairs and started stuffing all her clothes and products in 3 huge suitcases and 2 medium sized boxes

I stayed with my dad while our mum had done the same as Timira but in a more graceful fashion

"what's wrong kiddo?" my dad asked, noticing my visible disappointment

"dad, what about my friends? my school? I like it over here with Austin"

"don't worry about that kid, when good things end, better things start, plus you'll make plenty of friends with that charming manner of yours."

his words were enough to convince me mostly because I didn't want to be a buzz kill and ruin this great opportunity by being selfish

- time skip -

we all finished packing by the time the sun had set and I went over to austins home to say my final goodbyes

my initial plan was to also tell him about my feelings too but we all know I'm too chicken for that

as I knocked on the door, I was met by a beautiful woman that had light brown hair and gorgeous green eyes

it was Austins mother, although they had the same eyes he shared his hair colour with his dad, who has a darker shade of brown

I always thought Austin was handsome but now it was the attractive kind

his mum welcomed me in and told me I could find him in his room studying

I knew Austin only told her that when he wanted to read his comic books with no distractions

I told her that I would help him and made my way to his floor passing his twin sister and older brother arguing about something

their dad was in the picture but he usually worked long hours at his job and wasn't really close with his kids

I got to Austins door and knocked before I entered to make it seem like his mum was coming in to check on him

I heard him quickly move around to try and hid his comic while also trying to get his science book out of his bag

I opened the door as quick as I could to give him a mini heart attack and caught him with his bag halfway open and a comic in his mouth

"what are you doing?" I managed to say  in between my fits of laughter because he had also forgotten to put on pants and I could see the bum print on his bed

"you scared the hell out of me," Austin said, reaching for his pants that were at the foot of his bed

"that was the point genius"

"so what are u doing here?"

"I needed to tell you that my dad got a promotion and he said we have to move out tomorrow, we already packed our bags..."

"Mia, you've gotta be kidding, what about me? are you gonna leave me here? you know that I don't tell anyone else secrets, how am I gonna deal with bottling up everything? do you kno- "

"yeah, sorry for interrupting but I know you're gonna go on forever if I don't"

"can't u just stay with me, here?"

"I don't want to leave either, but it is what it is, I'm sorry Austin"

and with that I ran out while tears stung my eyes

I couldn't  risk crying infront of Austin because I usually start saying everything on my chest and that wouldn't be ideal due to my feelings for him

plus I didn't to let him see how broken I was from leaving my only true friend...


I feel this chapter has too much conversation and is a bit over detailed

but that's the way I write, soo... 🤷‍♀️

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