13:- Trolls vs Hobbits

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By the time Bilbo has turned around, Fili, Kili and Bobbie were out of sight, and he adventured on.

Although this was not of the free will of Bobbie as she seemed to be suddenly dragged away from the situation her brother has been put in by a certain set of dwarfs. There was no way she was going to let her brother get squished by three giant, ugly trolls.

"Hey, we can't let him go in there by himself!" Bobbie grumbles as she snatches her arm out of Fili's grip. With a big sigh and a twitch of her nose she turns around and backtracks to follow her brother.

"No, you can't go in there, its too dangerous." Fili retorts chasing after the determined green-eyed hobbit with fear in his own blue ones.

"What so now it's too dangerous? You just sent my brother in there! He may get hurt or even killed. I will not abandon him!" The frustration is rolling off of Bobbie and twisting its way towards the brothers who are looking at her with exasperated expressions.

"He won't get caught. He's so small they probably won't even notice him." Kili's casual voice makes Bobbies frustration turn into anger.

Her face becomes redder and her voice spits at them like poison. "So, with your marvellous plan, what happens when the ponies are set loose and start running around their camp. Trolls may be stupid but the know that ponies can't untie knots. What then?" The brothers cast down their eyes to avoid the piercing ones lasering through their bodies. At least they have the decency to feel guilt. "That is my brother who you have sent in there. What if that was one of you? Wouldn't the other one be racing in without a second thought?"

"Yes but-" Kili tries to compromise, however Bobbie cuts him off with a slice before he can even try.

"No, I am going in there and you are going to get the others. I don't care how much Thorin tells of your dwarvish backsides." Without another word Bobbie continues her strides towards her brother, all she can do is hope that Fili and Kili go and get the others, otherwise the Hobbits would be in a lot of trouble.

Slowing her footsteps as she approached the camp. She could see her brother crouching behind a fallen tree. Bobbie checks her surroundings and finds the three trolls muttering with each other around the roaring fire.

"So, what's the plan." Bobbie whispers out after plopping herself down next to Bilbo. Her poor older brother nearly jumps out of his skin at the intrusion.

"What are you doing here? Bilbo whispers harshly as he looks towards his sister with wide eyes.

"I know a lot more about Trolls then you so I can help." Bobbie smiles sweetly.

"You should be with the other two." Bilbo whispers back as he copies Bobbie as she surveys the troll's movements, making sure they are covered by their position.

"I don't particularly want to be around them at the moment." Bobbie mutters out as she casts her eyes down slightly, she doesn't regret what she said to the two however she does fell guilty with how she approached the situation. Bilbo looks at her in confusion, but all Bobbie does is divert the situation towards the trolls. "Never mind that, what's the plan."

Bilbo takes a pause for longer then Bobbie would have hoped. "Right no plan then." The younger sister sighs out.

Her older brother rolls his eyes in offence. "Hang on-"

"Shhh!" Bobbie whispers harshly as the trolls voices boom through the air.

"Mutton yesterday, mutton today, and blimey, if it don't look like mutton again tomorrow." One of the trolls grumble out in distaste.

Another one of the trolls who seemed to be the leader cuts him off rather quickly. "Quit yer' griping. These ain't sheep. These is West Nags!"

The third one finally pipes up with a much higher voice than the others as he sits "Oh, I don't like 'orse. I never 'ave. Not enough fat on them."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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