Call Out the Hissatsu Technique!

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After the game against Royal I finally came home "I'm home!" I called out as I saw Amber my adopted mother approaching.

"Hello sweet Anna, how was your day?" I looked at her and smiled "My day was fine, nothing special happened" I responded as we walked into the kitchen together. "Isn't Derek coming home for dinner tonight?" I asked to which Amber indicated he was on a long shift and wouldn't be home for dinner.

"Okay, I'll help cook and then I'll bring Derek some food. That hospital food from the restaurant over there isn't too good." Amber had to smile when she heard the young lady. She never called them father/daddy or mother/mom, but they could tell from Anna's behavior how grateful Anna was to them and that she was always busy taking care of them, while it should be the other way around.

After cooking together and eating a bit, Anna picked up a container to put Derek's dinner in.

Once at the hospital she asked a familiar face where Derek might be "Hello Victoria, do you know where my Da..eeh..Derek is?" Victoria gave the young lady a loving look. Everyone in the hospital knew what had happened and admired the strength of the young lady. The employees who worked with her father also agreed that they would help where necessary to give Anna the best possible childhood and support where necessary.

Anna knew what they were doing and tried to be stronger so that those around her wouldn't worry about her. Anna also often helped on weekends to entertain the children in the hospital. Everyone knew this young lady very well.

"Derek is making his rounds in the children's department. Will you bring him his dinner again? Then you're lucky because after the round he is now making he has a break" Anna smiled back "Yes, otherwise he won't eat healthy enough again and thank you" she laughed. She took some out of her bag and handed it to Victoria. "There's a homemade cookie in here," she winked at the woman behind the counter who laughed. Victoria was almost addicted to the cookies Anna made and was always happy when she got one.

Anna walked on towards the children's ward and she didn't have to look long before she found Derek. "Hello sweetheart!" Derek smiled when he saw Anna approaching, the two gave each other a big hug "I brought you food, otherwise you don't eat healthy enough. I also put a few cookies in it" she gave the bag with dinner to Derek who took it lovingly. "How did I deserve such a loving child?" Derek took Anna back into a hug and a kiss on the top of her head.

As the two stood in the hallway, the door of a room opened slightly behind them, and a platinum blond young boy walked out. It was none other than Axel Blaze. Axel looked at the two in surprise.

"eeh, I have to go double D. see you again soon" Anna spoke when she went to the door to leave the department, she had to walk past Axel and when she walked next to him she nodded to him "Axel" she spoke softly on which Axel smiled and "Anna" also nodded. When Anna walked past, she saw from which room Axel was leaving and could only suspect that his sister must be lying there.

The moment Axel saw Anna walking onto the field, his interest was already aroused, especially after he saw her techniques on the field. He knew he recognized those techniques from somewhere.

When Anna was gone, Derek and Axel nodded to each other before Axel quickly turned around and went after Anna, wanting to know where he recognized her from.

Axel saw Anna walking across the hospital grounds and quickly ran after her.

"You had some nice actions on the field today Anna" Axel said when he walked next to her. Anna looked at him. "Thank you, you too! Your fire Tornado was very strong," she smiled at him.

"Why did you leave so soon after the game?" asked Axel. "I just had to go somewhere," Anna responded quickly. Axel felt that what she said was not true or not the full truth. "Have you played football anywhere before? Your technique looks very familiar."

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