"I love you, you love me, that's the truth"

"Gina, wait, come on" He said as she approached the door. "I wanna meet your family" she grinned. "No you don't" he sighed.


Finn slowly opened the door, a gun firing as he did so. He stepped backward leaning against the wall, nodding to Isiah. They both stood either side of the wall and Finn looked around, groaning and dropping to the floor when a bullet flew into his arm.

"Oh fuck" he whispered. Isiah looked into the room, stepping back when they fired again.

Aberama stormed through a different way, shooting the man and sending him to the floor. "Now you've heard of us," he shot again.


"Come on," Aberama urged, carrying Finn into the room behind Isaiah. "Couch" he said. "Put something down for the blood my sister'll fucking kill me" Finn panted.

Isiah ripped a sheet from the table, a glass smashing. "Be fucking careful" Finn scolded. "She spends thousands of  pounds on this shit" he hissed as Aberama let him fall to the couch. " Get me some booze" the man spoke.

He pulled back the fabric of Finns sleeve, squeezing his arm and causing him to scream. "Just fucking get the thing out of me and sew me up. Just do it"

Isiah handed him the bottle.

"Peaky boy give me your blade" Aberama looked to Isiah. He took his cap from his head, pulling the blade and handing it to him.

Isiah held Finn. "You know what you're doing?" he asked.

"I've done this a thousand times. I once took a bullet from between two ribs, one inch from the heart. Mind you it was a horse and the horse did die" they all chuckled but Finn soon shouted as Aberama pulled the puller from his arm. "There you go, it's just a little one" he said, dropping it to an ashtray.

"What the fuck is going on" Ada appeared at the door.

"Oh fuck" Finn whispered. Isiah stood straight. " Hello Ada" Finn panted. Isiah kept his head down.

"Get out, both of you" she instructed. Aberama and Isiah left the room "I'm so sorry Ada, they broke a statue of some thin woman" Finn apologies.

She picked up the pieces from the floor. "Fucking statues" she scoffed. "What has Tommy told you, Shelby's stay out of the sporting stuff"

"What? To maintain your fucking reputation?"

"You listen to me, Finn, we've got a chance. Tommy has given us that chance. He's got power, we've got money and our past is left behind us" Ada spoke. "And you've got a precious young life, Finn, you fucking idiot! Three inches to the left and that would've been gone"

Finn looked away. "You've got nothing to prove, Finn. You have got nothing to prove" Ada sighed.


"Daddy" Ruby shouted, running towards Tommy as he got off the horse. "Come here, you. Come here" he groaned, leaning down and picking her up. " Now, what have you been up to, eh?"

Lizzie placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Any time Johnny" Tommy nodded at the man who was stood digging a hole. "All right you heard the man let's go" he hissed at the others.

Tommy placed Ruby back to the floor. "Where's Charles?" he asked Lizzie. "He's in the wagon, he won't come out. He heard Johnny talking Rokka, he understands more Gypsy than we think, he heard him say yoy shot the horse. I told him it was mercy i said it's what you do when a horse gets sick, he doesn't understand"

"Dad, why did you shoot him?" the young girl asked.

Tommy looked toward the wagon. "Charlie, get out here now, let's get it done. Charles, come here" the door opened, revealing the boy. "Sit down"

He sat on the steps beside Tommy. "Now listen to me, your horse was sick, he was in pain. The vet couldn't do anything. Even Curly couldn't do anything. I put him to sleep. It's what you do,"

"No it's what you do" the boy shouted.


"Shoot horses, shoot people, everybody says!" he continued. Charles stood and went back inside the wagon.

Tommy sighed, lighting a cigarette.

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