Chapter 1: Just Great...

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You had worked a double shift today, so it was late when you got home and you were exhausted. You went up to your room, and you were about to grab your clothes and go to take a warm relaxing shower when something felt off. You looked around the room, everything was in place. That's when you noticed the curtains that covered your window were slightly moving. You walked over, pulling them open to see that your window was cracked open, and you sure as hell knew you didn't open it. You didn't think anyone was in the house, but you were cautious anyway. You shut the window and locked it, but as you inspected the lock you saw small scratch marks probably caused by a knife.
You narrowed your eyes. Someone had been here. But you weren't going to let them get the best of you. You walked down to your garage and grabbed some oil before heading back up to your room. You set the can down and opened your window. You carefully poured some of the oil on the ledge of the window before closing and locking it back up. You shut the curtains and grabbed some clothes, heading off to your bathroom to take a shower.

After you had cleaned up from the long day, you walked out in (f/c) pajama pants, and a (f/c) tank top. You looked to your window, which was just as you had left it, you shut and locked your bedroom door. You could never be too careful in this world. Especially as a single young woman living alone.
You sighed and flopped down on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. After taking that shower you weren't as tired as you were before, you pulled your laptop off of the nightstand beside your bed and logged on. You were about to go check out YouTube to see if (your favorite youtuber) had posted any new videos but suddenly Cleverbot opened up. You raised an eyebrow, you had heard about the website but had never actually been on it. Maybe your computer had a glitch or something on it.

Cleverbot: Hey

Was it suppose to message first? You were unsure, but you shrugged. It could probably give you some amusement. You would check up on the typing first thing later.

User: Hey.

Cleverbot: You've met with a terrible fate haven't you?

User: Fate isn't real. What happens happens and fate is a thing people go to to rely on.

Cleverbot: Er... Never had someone answer like that before..

User: Are we alone? Are we in control? Can we choose to play a different role? Can we change the grave, that was dug for us. Or is this the only path to take

Cleverbot: Song lyrics?

User: yes

Cleverbot: you shouldn't have done that.

User: You shouldn't have popped up. Goodnight.

And before the bot could respond, you close the laptop and set it back on your nightstand. That was really weird. It was like talking to an actual person, but Cleverbot was suppose to be just a bot. Weird. You yawned and laid down, at least it had made you tired. You rolled over, closing your eyes and letting the exhaustion from the day wash over you.

A noise disturbed you from your sleep. You looked at your digital clock that sat on your nightstand with your laptop.
1:47 a.m
You rubbed your eyes groggily. You looked to your window just in time to see a shadow through the curtains. It looked like someone was on the tree branch outside your window, but as it went to get onto the small ledge, they slipped on the oil left from earlier. You heard a deep voice cry out in surprise as they fell down to the ground and you smirked. Good. Hopefully they broke their neck for trying to get in your house. You doubted they would try the stunt again, and you felt confident that they wouldn't want to try any other way, so you turned back over, satisfied by the person falling. You fell back into a peaceful sleep.

But the peacefulness didn't last long.

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