Florence stood outside the fire exit on one of the higher floors, looking down at the floor.

Arthur looked around, "So where are these other guests?" he asked. "They will be here very soon" she assured him. "But in the meantime there are some things i want to say" she stated.

"Before they get here."

"By all means" Arthur nodded.

"I've heard stories that you have welcomed Jesus into your life?" She said. "I have indeed"

"At the beseeching of your wife, who they say is a good woman."

"She is my shining light"

"Though her mother by all accounts was not. Do you think your repentance will mean you are forgiven of your sins?" she asked him.

"We both know that forgiveness is out of my hands"

"I mean for murdering my son" her voice cracked.

"That was a sporting accident." Arthur looked down.

"Because i have not yet found it in my heart to forgive you. I don't think i ever will"

"Then..why have you invited me here today, hm?"

The young girl entered the room. "Off you go now" her mother nodded. "Why am i here, Mrs Ross?"

She looked at the door.

"Why did you invite me here today?"

The girl ran off towards another room.

Finn pointed his gun at the three men who stood, ready to shoot. "Too late to back out now" one of them said. "Last day of freedom, mate" the other said.

Finn lifted his head, lowering the gun.

Tommy watched as the girl ran round the corner, waving a white cloth at the man beside the car. Tommy readied his gun as the car backed away.

Florence squinted as she watched Johnny Dogs and Isiah look at the girl.

"Now, Johnny fire" he shouted. Isaiah and Johnny stepped forward, shooting at the car.

"It's a fucking decoy, bring the car around now" Tommy shouted from the window. "Arthur" she whispered, running back through the door and down the stairs.

She burst through one of the rooms, placing a finger on her lips as two kids cowered in the corner. Florence went through the door of the room and ran down the hallway to where Arthur was.

"Arthur" Finn burst in, "they're not here for you, it must be Micheal"

Florence stood at the door, her gun pointed. The woman's eyes widened. "Arthur you need to go"

Arthur cleared the table. "You fucking bitch" he shouted. The woman gasped. He pulled a gun from his hat. "You set me up, eh?"

He pointed the gun underneath her chin as she whimpered. "Arthur you need to get to the hospital now" Finn said, holding his shoulder.

"Fuck off" he pushed the boy away.

"If your faith is real. I've got all the kids" she pleaded. He pushed her face away, smashing a glass. "If you're here in one hour, i swear to god, i will cover you in tar and fucking feathers" he pointed.

Florence stepped in as the boys left. "He might have god, but i don't. So don't think i won't hesitate to shoot your brains all over that fucking wall" Florence threatened, slamming the door.

The woman began shaking as she walked out.


Micheal pulled himself up off the floor, groaning. The door shut and locked and he looked up. Luca Changretta.

He stopped Micheal. "Where i'm from, a hat on the bed. Unlucky"

He walked toward Micheal.

"My family, say it brings death. Maybe that's what's happens. Last time my men were sent for you, you got lucky"

He pulled a gun from his pocket, pointing it to Michaels head. "Now, your lucks run out"

Micheal breathed heavily, closing his eyes.

He cocked it, firing it but nothing happened, it misfired. Micheal sighed, looking at the floor.

"And tell your mother, we have a deal" he said as he walked out.

Tommy, Florence and Arthur rushed through the halls of the hospital, stopping when they saw a dead body beside the wall. They continued to Michaels room, shooting the lock and walking inside.

"Micheal? What happened, eh? What happened?" Tommy asked. "They heard you, they heard you coming" Micheal said. "The gun misfired, they ran away"

Florence walked to the other door, cautiously checking to see if anyone was there.

"You came just in time"

Arthur and Johnny dogs ran out the other door.

"You all right?" Tommy sat. "I'm fine"

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