ch 46

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It's now morning but both the boys were in dilemma of how they are gonna face each other today. They both had confessed their love and so their heart was exploding with the thought of seeing each other.

Everytime they took steps towards the door to open it, the thought of other being out was making them feel scared. It was hard for them to first believe that they both love each other and now it was even hard to see, it was just overwhelming.

But nonetheless both got out of the room at the same time and once their eyes locked they blushed heavily.

"Um-m go-od mo-rning" Jungkook said. "Good morning". There was silence after the greeting but tae broke it with the words 'fuck it' and kissed jungkook deeply. After a while they detached and tae leaned his head against jungkook and said "you don't know baby whole night, only you were in my mind, heart, you don't know how hard I had controlled myself to not just barg in your room and keep you in my arms, hugging you whole night to believe that you also love me, cause trust me i love you soo damn much" Tae whispered.

Jungkook just took a deep sigh and said "you also don't know how badly I wanted to stay with you, just wanna be yours and be by your side forever, I never loved anyone tae because I was always waiting for my destined mate and tried soo hard not to fall for you but at last you were my destiny, my muse, my home and you know I am really thankful for whatever my parents did cause if they didn't maybe I would have never been yours". Jungkook again took a deep breath and said "I love you soo soo soo much kim taehyung".

They again shared a beautiful kiss and then went out to have something to eat.

They went to a cafe to have their breakfast. Upon entering the cafe jungkook saw a familiar back on one table and the way it was moving seemed as if the person was crying.

"Minseo?" Jungkook called out and Minseo turned around his eyes were puffy and red. "What happen?". Instead of saying anything he just went towards jungkook and was about to hug him but tae came and hugged him instead.

Taehyung made a disgusted face when he saw minseo wiping his snort on his shirt.

Jungkook tapped minseo's back and
again asked the same question after settling on a table.

Taekook sat together and minseo in front of them. "Suzy wants to break up with me, she doesn't want me anymore".

'Finally the girl got her mind repaired' tae thought. "But why" Jungkook asked. "Don't know she told me to meet her at namsan tower tonight and when I asked why she said she don't wanna be my girlfriend".

"No minseo there might be some misunderstanding she wouldn't do that she loves you". Minseo just shook his head again crying.

Jungkook looked at tae with worried eyes and again turned to minseo. "I will talk to her don't worry I am sure the matter is something else".

Taehyung was not pleased with how jungkook was trying to help Minseo. He was having internal fight with himself. One side was saying that jungkook loves him(tae)and other was thinking that Minseo will somehow manager to woo jungkook.

'But tae if you won't cooperate and help than maybe it will be easy for Minseo to get jungkook so it's better if you help him to get his girlfriend and than soon get them married even if you had to become a priest for that' tae thought.

"Yes jungkook you're right we will both help them and than get them married". Jungkook smiled at tae for being supportive.

So after taekook left the place jungkook called suzy but she didn't accepted his call so he asked tae to drop him at her home.

But tae also stayed with jungkook and so now here they are in the living room in front of suzy.

"Suzy what is this all about you know Minseo cried a bucket in the cafe, tell me what happened and why you want to breakup with him" Jungkook asked.

"Who said I am breaking up with him?". "You did" Tae said. "What when?".

And after that jungkook told her everything what Minseo said.

"Oh my god, I didn't knew I was dating a dumbass" Suzy said and took a deep breath.

"What do you mean what happened tell us". And so Suzy told everything to them about what she meant with her words to Minseo.

"Jungkook and taehyung-shi i am requesting you both to help me and keep this a secret and also please tell him to meet me at the namsan tower".

"Of course Suzy don't worry he will be there on time okay and also all the best".

With that both taekook went back home. After entering tae sat on the sofa and jungkook asked if he wanted water for which tae agreed and now both are seated while having water.

"Love makes people go crazy" Jungkook said. "Yeah just like how crazy I am for you" Tae replied.

Jungkook stared at him for a few seconds and then broke into a beautiful smile. Tae quickly gave him a smile too and also a peck. "I purple you my love". "I do too".

Jungkook knew the meaning behind those words, behind that word and he adores it soo much.


It was now evening and taekook both stood outside Minseo's house.

Tae rang the bell and the door was opened by minseo who was holding a tissue near his nose and it was a clear indication that he has been crying since the time they left him.

Upon seeing jungkook Minseo was about to hug him and cry but tae again came in between once he saw what minseo wanted to do.

And again he was hella disgusted when he saw minseo rubbing his nose on his shoulder.

"Minseo stop crying and go get ready" Jungkook said. "Why, I don't wanna go anywhere kookie".

"Jungkook call him jungkook minseo" Tae said in a strict manner. Minseo looked at him with his teary puppy eyes and nodded his head.

Jungkook didn't say anything as he knew by now that tae was not a big fan of minseo but he is thankful that he was here with him.

They both got minseo ready with force, actually it was tae who got him ready as he was extremely not willing for jungkook to do anything his lover instinct were high.

So after about 1 hour they left from there to go to their destination.

Minseo didn't know where they were going but upon seeing the place he was ready to cry but tae stopped him and so now he is standing in front of his almost ex girlfriend, taekook both were standing near the car to give them privacy.

"Seo baby I am soo much thankful for all the love you gave me and for all the time you were with me, I really loved you soo much". Suzy took a pause but that pause killed minseo extremely as his thoughts stopped on the word 'loved' so does that mean she doesn't love him anymore.

"I don't know how but every time i fell deeper and deeper in love with you and right now too I can't explain how much I love you but i know one thing for sure that is to have you for the rest of my life so, Minseo will you marry me". Minseo didn't knew how he was still put together but soon he broke down in tears and nodded his head while saying yes and hugged his now fiancee.

Taekook were both happy for the couple and they laughed when they saw minseo running around showing his ring to whoever passed by.

"I wish my lover would also propose me someday or I wish that he will accept my proposal" Tae said looking at jungkook with adoring eyes.

Jungkook turned and looked at taehyung, he knew why tae said all that and he also knew what will be the outcome so he also smiled and nodded his head.

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