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Everyone had their lunch and now they were all watching a movie. They were all enjoying it but two souls were not at all focused on what was happening in the movie they were just drowned in their own thoughts.

Soon the movie was over and everyone had fallen asleep while watching but not taekook they made eye contact with each other. Jungkook quickly looked away and stood up to go in the balcony to get some fresh air as it was soon going to be a chill evening. He was standing there again drowned in his thoughts when he felt a presence besides him. He looked to his side and saw Taehyung standing there but he was not looking ahead , he was looking at jungkook and jungkook was confused but before he could say anything Taehyung looked away from him.

Jungkook sighed and with all his courage he said the words he have been holding since a long time "Aren't are you gonna say sorry to me? ". "What! are you talking about " Taehyung asked confused. "Well you do remember the day we first met you literally slept on my shoulder whole damn night you don't know how much I had to suffer due to that the pain was with me for days ". "Well then you should be thankful to me cause of me you were not alone you at least had that pain with you". "Listen I don't care about anything just apologize and then we can be friends, I don't want hyungs to know that we know each other". "As if I will say sorry it is not my fault just admit that you liked me that's why you stayed otherwise you could have just left me there alone". " I did it for humanity and that's my manners to never leave someone in danger, but maybe i would have never helped you". "Oh really your manners? Well where did it went when that day you just accused me for something that i didn't did" Taehyung immediately stopped. Jungkook looked down with a sad look he knew he did wrong by accusing him for nothing but it ain't his fault too his first meet and second meet were not good enough to justify Taehyung.

"Hey jungkook I am sorry I didn't mean to bri... ". Jungkook cutted Taehyung "I am sorry for accusing you falsely without knowing the real truth". "That you should be too and apology accepted" Taehyung said with his boxy smile. "Well it was not completely my fault though" Jungkook murmured. "And may I know how" Taehyung asked with raised eyebrows. "Well for starters you could have told me then all this drama might not have happened". " Oh wow I could have told you did you even let me to say a word you were shouting 'go away go away' like a slogan as if I was Simon and then when I tried to help the girl you just slapped me and that was one hell of a slap boy it's good I do some gym otherwise I would have blacked out there and then". "Well you could have told me then tried and my intention was to beat you to pulp and take my revenge of before but the girl was more important". "Wah what a vengeful person you are I am lucky otherwise you would have been talking to my ghost". " Yeah and you." Jungkook was disrupted by his hyung calling them. They both went back in the living room and saw everyone was up with slightly messy hair.

"So what are we gonna do now hmm" Jimin asked while yawning. "Well hyung i gotta go back home I have to prepare for my entrance exam and also don't want to be caught by my parents" Jungkook whispered the last words. They all sighed and nodded their heads Yoongi drove him back to his house and then left to go back to Namjoon's place.

Jungkook went inside and sat in sofa and got lost in the thoughts of Taehyung and he had to admit that Taehyung really is a nice boy but he also prefers to keep himself away from him cause he doesn't want to cause any trouble to him too.

Jungkook went in his room and studied for his exams which were after few days. Jungkook cooked food for himself when it was almost time for dinner,had it and went to sleep.

Next day Jungkook spent his days all alone at home. And in the blink of an eye three days went by. His days were normal apart from the fact that his new sister had started to spend her time at the cafe instead of the library and she studies there while jungkook helps her when ever she needs it.

Today Jungkook's parents were coming back from their tour and jungkook went home a little earlier to
clean the house and also to hide anything which could get him in trouble.

At around 8 his parents came and they just went to take rest. Jungkook took their luggage and put it in the living room nicely. He then went to his room and slept.

Next day everything was normal he got up did his morning routine and went downstairs for breakfast after cleaning his room. There he saw no one and knew that maybe his parents are still sleeping, so he made food for himself and his parents too. He put the food in a container with a note for his parents.

Jungkook left for his work there again everything was normal and his day went quite well. The only thing that bothered him or more like he was excited about was his results which were in three days and can't wait for that day.

He went home and there he saw that no one was at home. Also there was no note for him too, so he just went and made noodles for himself then went to sleep after locking everything perfectly as he knew his parents must have the keys of house.

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