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I am going to freak out, I wonder how she got cut? I've gotta take her to the vet and I have to take her now. I hope they don't think I miss treat her and try to keep her from me.

I put her in her box, not really safe. I just wasn't thinking at the time.
We arrived at the vet within moments.
" please sir. I need you to clam down and tell me what is going on." The assistant said.
I explained to her what happened. I think she chuckled at me.
I handed the box to the assistant and waited out in the waiting room.

I heard red scream a few times and I wanted to go and save her. I also know that the vet knows what is best.
" The doctor will see you now." I followed the assistant to where the doctor and my pet was at. My human pet, sound asleep ready to go.
She must of been feeling bad.

I took a set by the doctor and he spoke.
I was such in a panic, I never even thought about that. It's totally different when you have a female pet.

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