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It  had been two years since their dad was still gaining more and more information about yoongi and then he somehow got heart disease and had to take off from his work and had to be admittd to the hospital well by now jin had became very rich as he was such a proffesional that even the doctors who became doctor before him couldn't be compared to him he had so much skill that he even managed to save certain persons who were on the verge of death and now yoongi and jimin both are in their  second last year of their college course .... jin had now donated their old house to the poor people and had made that a beautiful school were all the poor children were taught now ..... and had many successful students our yoongi had become more mature but still a naughty baby for hyung ........... meanwhile... jin had made their own house by investing his own money 

-----------------house made by jin----------------------------------------------------------

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-----------------house made by jin----------------------------------------------------------

----------------------------------------------yoongi's room------------------------------------------------------

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----------------------------------------------yoongi's room------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------jin's room---------------------------------------------------------------

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------------------------------------------jin's room---------------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------jin's room---------------------------------------------------------------

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