It was a month later, when Barton accidentally found Fury.  They were both on motorcycles and it had been a glimpse of Fury in his peripheral eyesight, but that had been enough.  Barton stood on the seat of the motorcycle, letting Bird steer, lining up a shot to take out the rear tire of Fury's bike.  But his chance was interrupted when a black SUV hit him, a split second before he released his shot. His arrow went wide and he had to use his acrobatic skill to not end up road kill.  Bird was not damaged, so while he was falling though the air, he commanded her to change into jet mode and he landed on top of her.  He held on as she sped him to safety on a roof top.  He got inside the jet and began pursuit once cloaked, but Fury was gone.  The black SUV had disappeared also. There were a few of the same model in the traffic, but not black. So he guessed that either it was cloaked or had the tech to change colour.  

"Jarvis is there anything on any of the traffic cameras we can use to locate Fury or that SUV?"

"Fury was out of camera range and nothing from the surrounding buildings' security cameras.  Sorry Hawkeye."

"Dammit.  Bird call S.H.E.I.L.D. I need to report in."  Clint said with displeasure.  "Agent Hill,  I spotted Fury in Jersey City.  Unable to make contact, interference from an unknown SUV."

"I expected better results from you agent Barton.  So much for you never missing," Maria replied.  "Don't let it happen again." She ended the call.

Barton was really beginning to hate that woman.  She needed to get a good kick in the ass or get laid, preferably both.  He was now at a major disadvantage because Fury knew that Barton was after him.  If he was hard to find before, now he'd be invisible.  Barton returned to Stark Towers, he needed a strong drink and to clear his head.

Tony had a glass of whiskey waiting for Barton as he came out of the elevator.  "Go change, the room you had before is still yours.  Bruce and I need to show you something."

Barton nodded, downed the drink in one gulp and went back in the elevator.  When he returned for the refill, he was wearing a black t-shirt, black jeans and his black boots.

"Going to a funeral?" Bruce teased.

"Not everyone can be as colourful as you Banner," Clint snapped.

Tony grinned, "a bit on edge?  Sit down, have another drink."

Clint sat down and said, "leave the bottle."

"Look at what this black gem of yours can do.  Jarvis if you would run the video please," Tony requested.

Barton watched the black diamond that fused with Tony's reactor open a full sized portal.  Iron Man disappeared and the diamond projected a prism of colour that opened multiple universal portals.  It gave off a sound, like a harmonic hum.  When Iron Man returned and the portal he had gone through was closed, the diamond stopped reacting.

"What the hell was all that about?" Clint asked in shock.

"That's what we're trying to figure out," Bruce grinned.

"Maybe we should just dump the diamond into the portal you went through and close it," Clint suggested.

Tony shook his head, "where's the fun in that?"

Clint rolled his eyes, "don't we have enough problems without some alien diamond calling in reinforcements?"

"You knew if you gave it to Tony, what would happen.  Why do that if you just want to get rid of it?" Bruce asked.

"Shit I don't know anything anymore," Clint sighed with disgust.

Tony wouldn't give him a break.  "The SUV that hit you.... Natasha was driving it."

Barton didn't say a word.  He undid the whiskey, didn't bother with the glass and took a long swallow.  He got up, taking the bottle with him and left.  Jarvis reported that Bird had left the building.

"Is he going to be okay?" Bruce asked with concern.

"His whole world is upside down.  He doesn't know who to trust.  Jarvis was Bird in control?"

"Yes Tony," Jarvis said.  "She has blocked all contact and has disappeared."

"I expected that. He'll be back soon."

Bruce looked at Stark.  "Why'd you tell him it was Natasha? Why not leave it alone?"

"He already suspected it.  He needs truth right now and to know he can still trust me and you, if no one else."

"You're a shrewd, complicated man Tony."

"Yes I am, thanks for noticing."

Bruce shook his head and threw his glass at him. Tony caught it easily and winked.  "Don't get mad, I don't want the Hulk kicking my ass today."

"The Hulk is worried about Barton as much as I am," Bruce said.

"There's nothing any of us can do for Barton right now.  We leave him alone and like usual, when he's ready he'll be back."

Under or Over: Hawkeye & Black WidowWhere stories live. Discover now