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It's been two years since Somun became a counter and things were going well. He was more powerful and he could summon the evil spirits easily now.

He trained everyday without summoning the yung territory; he knew he was weaker without it so he worked hard every single day.

Everyone noticed Somun would go training by himself, they would get worry if they noticed Somun was covered in bruises.

Ms. Chu was the most worried. That was one of the reason why he decided not to tell her at first - but figure it out eventually - he would feel guilty Ms. Chu would heal him every time and seeing her hair getting whiter and whiter it pains him so much.

Somun was grateful to have her, to him, she was like a mother. She has been constantly helping him and taking care of him since he became a counter.

"You don't have to do all alone. We are here for you." Ms. Chu said as he was on the verge of tears, but he held them back.

Somun was no longer a teenager, he is now twenty years old. He is grown up and feels more responsible and he would do everything to keep all the people who loves safe.

The young man looked at Ms. Chu and smiled at her softly, his eyes were getting watery as he looked up to the ceiling and took a deep breath, trying not to cry in front of Ms. Chu, however she noticed it.

"You're going through a lot, aren't you?"

As always, Mr. Chu prepared her special noodles to make Somun feel better as they ended up talking for hours; latterly the young man hasn't been himself, and to be honest, he missed the old days when he was excited to go in every mission. Life seemed simpler back then.


A/N: i hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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