15: the resentful beau

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Original Chapters (Manhwa): 59~67
15: the resentful beau



"Hey, call out your king and give me the flag if you value your lives! Do so and I'll spare your lives!"

A certain beau swept a gaze over to that group of people. In an instant, each one of them sensed a chill running down their spine. They watched the beau sweep his fingers across the blade he wielded, ridding the sword of dusts. After, he wiped his fingers on his pants until he felt a slight burn from the friction. A lopsided smile curved on Ahn Eun-Byeol's lips.

"I think, you've got it all backwards. If you want to live to see another sunrise, I suggest you all scram before your necks lose your heads. Ah," the beau's smile turned brighter, a great contrast to the chaos around him. "But my dear sword Dainsleif had already been unsheathed. Do you know what that means?"

"Get to the point!" One of the members of that group yelled in impatience. "Even if you drag on the conversation, your companions wouldn't be able to save you!"

An abrupt laughter escaped the amused Eun-Byeol. He even wiped away the tears of joy forming at the corner of his eye. "Save me? You're gravely mistaken. Who needs the saving is definitely not me." As soon as those words left him, the beau disappeared from where he stood. His sudden disappearance caught the enemies off guard.

Only when a series of cries and pleads for mercy spread among them did they realize what happened. The beautiful male who wielded a sword charged on his lonesome and killed several people in a blink of an eye. With one swing of his sword, one man dropped dead. The archers aimed their arrows at him but the beau moved too fast and too unpredictable for them.

Those who had swords couldn't graze even the hems of his clothes. He was like a plague, everywhere he went, several people died. All of them lost their lives the same way—their heads had been lopped off with a single swing of his blade.

What made them tremble even more was the fact that a bell-like laughter could be heard amidst the massacre, as if there was a child who knew nothing of the world's cruelty prancing around on their comrades' dead bodies. Piles upon piles of corpses formed on the ground. Thick puddles of blood stained the earth yet not a single drop dirtied Ahn Eun-Byeol.

It took him no more than ten minutes to take care of the trash. The leader, Chu Wangin, fell on his behind. After witnessing a one-sided massacre, he couldn't even bring himself to immerse as his supporting constellation. At that moment, all he could feel was the utter fear he had towards this man who looked so angelic. No one would dare believe if he said that this supposed angelic man massacred an entire group of people.

Even with so many deaths in his hand, only the soles of his shoes were stained by blood.

Chu Wangin almost pissed himself when the man crouched down in front of him, the bloody sword resting upon his neck.

"Now, tell me," a close-eyed smile greeted Chu Wangin. "Who was it that needed saving?" When the man received no answer, his eyes opened and revealed a pair of deep red eyes. So deep that it resembled the color of blood. "Didn't I ask you a question?"

"U, Us! It was us who needed the saving!" Chu Wangin practically cried.

"Good boy," Ahn Eun-Byeol's slowly lost its hot color, revealing a pair of honey-browns often seen in autumn. "I wouldn't have killed all of you if you haven't said those stuff, you know? Well, it was technically your subordinate but who cares about the little details, noh?" Just as hope rekindled in Chu Wangin's heart, his world suddenly turned sideways.

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