Chapter 11

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*a few days later*
Selecia's pov
It's been a few days the boys are still here sam and Colby left the boys we're pretty upset about it but Colby and Sam promised they'd see each other again and that made them feel better yesterday we took them to the zoo and to the fair that's in town, and to the movies tonight we're staying in and watching movies I cooked dinner while the boys showered and once dinner was done and they had showered we sat down and watched movies.

After a while we headed to bed.

*a week later*
The boys left yesterday and house feels kinda empty but it's peaceful Shawn and I have been spending a lot of time planning the wedding and it's been fun, I'm broken from my thoughts by Aaliyah coming in.

A- yo yo yo what's up peeps
S- hey Aaliyah what's up
A- can I spend a few nights here I really need out the house
S- sure *smiles*
A- yesssss
S- *laughs*
Sh- layiah what's up
S- she's spending a few nights here says she needs out of the house *laughs*
Sh- well that's fine *smiles*
A- so have you guys picked a named for her yet
S- nope
Sh- we're trying it's really hard *laughs*
A- why don't you name her Melody Rae Mendes
S- that's beautiful I love it babe I think we just found our baby name, baby melody rae
C- did we finally pick a name
A- hey Colby
C- hey Aaliyah
S- yes we did Aaliyah picked it out Melody Rae Mendes
C- that's beautiful
S- I know I love it *smiles*
Sh- me too *smiles*
C- well Sam and I are here for a while also sams kinda bumped cause him and Kat broke up so if we could try and cheer him up
S- Awee *frowns* samieeeeeee
Sa- hey selecia
S- let's do a self care night we all need it Aaliyah and I will head to target to get a bunch of self care supplies you guys get all the comfort food you can find and we're gonna relax and watch movies and take care of our skin
Sh- alright have fun and be careful
S- we will I'll even let Aaliyah drive
Sh- thank you and I love you
S- I love you too babe *smiles*

Aaliyah and I head to my car and she gets in the driver seat and we drive to target and we arrive and we grab snacks and glue on nails I grab s few makeup products I needed and then I get us all pjs and we get face masks and Aaliyah and i get hair masks and then we check out and head home, we arrive home and we find the boys with kfc, subway, mac and cheese, Mc Donald's and drinks

S- what the hell did you guys do rob ever fast food restaurant in Canada *laughs*
Sh- yes, yes we did *laughs*
S- yea I can definitely tell *laughs*
C- oh and I invited Roxy she was already here to see her family but she's bored so she's on her way over
S- yayyyyy
C- *smiles*
R- hey I'm here
S- hey Roxy how are you
R- I'm good
S- that's good *smiles*

We sit down and eat and watch movies and talk and go on our phones i take some videos and pictures and post them on my snap story(private of course) and then we all head to bed.

*time skip*

Around one am I'm waken up to Roxy moaning, first of all gross and second gross

"Oh yes daddy"
"I'm gonna cum daddy"
"Yessssss o-ohh"

I get up and open the door

"Keep it down you two jeez people are trying to sleep, you guys are gross I just want you to know that "oh yes daddy" gross so gross my child doesn't need to hear that" I say and I close the door, I hear them say sorry and laugh and I don't hear anything else and I soon fall asleep again.

*the next morning*
I wake up to voices and I realize Shawn's not next to me.

I get up and come out to the hallway

S- ew it's two you guys are seriously gross *laughs*
R- we're sorry dude he's just so good
S- again gross and I really didn't need to know that *laughs*
C- *laughs* I tried telling her to be quiet
R- that he did *laughs*
S- *laughs* anyways has anyone seen Shawn
Sh- right here
Shawn says coming up the stairs
S- today we're going baby shopping
Sh- okay
S- and I want it to be just us we haven't spent time together
C- rude *laughs*
S- shut up *laughs*
Sh- okay *smiles*

I head to the bathroom and do my morning routine and I throw some laundry in (our laundry room and bathroom are in the same room) and once I'm done I clean up our bedroom a bit and then the bathroom.

Sh- you put that down right now
S- b-
Sh- no buts you shouldn't be cleaning babe your carrying our child
S- I love that you care so much but babe I got it
C- how about Roxy, Sam and I clean while you guys are gone
S- really?
R- yea *smiles*
S- oh okay *smiles* thank you guys
R- no problem now leave
S- alright alright

I grab my purse and we head out the door and get in my car and head to target, we arrive and we walk in and we get a bunch of baby clothes and bottles and toys and stuffed animals and we got some things for the nursery we ordered a crib we looked at paint colors for the nursery walks since her name is melody we're going with a music theme, we grab painting tape and the colors we decided on and then we grab some other things we'll need like socks and shoes and stuff then we head home

We arrive home and everyone helps Shawn unload stuff, the crib comes and the boys carry it in and I start dinner, tonight is stake mashed potatoes and broccoli.

*time skip*
We're all done eating now and the boys are putting together the crib while Roxy, Aaliyah and I paint the room and once we're done we let the paint try overnight, the boys finish the crib and we set it in one of the guest rooms for now and then we all head to bed.

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