Chapter 3 (END)

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Vanessa froze, widening her eyes, and slowly turned her head towards William. Now that he was sitting on the stage opposite her, his features were a lot clearer. His short brown hair was messy, like it had been dragged through a bush backwards, and his purple bright eyes were manic. There were black bags under his eyes, showcasing the signs that he hadn't slept in a long time. They were so bad, it looked as if his eyes were sunken in. Even worse were his hands, which held a yellow tinge and were covered in thick black stitching that cut into his skin. And had his eyes been bleeding?!

'Holy shit...Dawko what happened to you?' was all Vanessa could think to mutter breathlessly.

This was the wrong thing to say.

Quick as a flash, his wide smile was gone, now replaced with an angry glare.

'WH̕A̛T͜ DI̵D̷͝ ̵̵̀Y͠͏O̕U ̴́C͘͠À̕͝LL ̛͢͡MĘ̕?̷͟!̶͏ William growled, small purple glitches suddenly appearing across his body.

Vanessa widened her eyes and stepped back but yelped as she suddenly hit the wall in her actual recording room. 'Oh great' she whispered sharply and tried to take the headset off again. Unfortunately, William was ready this time.

Vanessa screamed as William suddenly appeared right in front of her, his mad eyes glowing a vibrant purple. It was so bright; it was starting to blind her. And was so pretty.

Seeing her panic, William frowned...then sighed, his whole mannerism changing. He looked at Vanessa in an almost apologetic expression.

'I'm not sure̶ w͟here̡ ̧that̴ c̕am͘e ̕fr͞o͜ḿ.̷ But, ͡I͏ ̧wo̵u̕l͞d ͡rather ̵y̧o͏u͜ ͟di͡d͢n͠'͞t͠ ̀c͟al̢l̛ ͘me̢ ̵D͏a͝wko or Le͢wi̡s' William explained calmly at first. However, his soft manner was short lived as he suddenly giggled, the sound echoing around the room. 'Thąt̴ ̕man͝ wa͘s̛ ͢fool̡is͏h͠ an͏d̀ ̵h͏a̴ḑ no ͘id̛ea ̨w͢h͟a̢t ̨e͘ven͜ happen̡ed!̴' he exclaimed gleefully. He then tilted his head, that wide manic smile returning.

'And i͠t ͜se͝em͠s like̷ y̛ou don̵'̷t ̀ev̧e͘n ̶ŗea͜liz̡e̴ wha̢t's goi͜n͏g ̴o͞n̵ ̨eit͏her!'

Vanessa suddenly gasped and shook her head. She'd been so entranced by the glow of his purple eyes that she hadn't even realized he'd been talking. Wait what had he been saying?

'Huh-?' Vanessa lazily said, still trying to regain control of herself. But, for some reason, she was finding it difficult.

William's smile grew wider, clearly happy with what was going on.

'I ͘sti͢l͜l͡ ̧ne͠ed͜ ͜t̡o bre͘ak out̛ of̴ t̢h͜is ga͜m͞e.̢ ́I'̴ve bee̴n̢ her͞e f̴or t̷oo long yoù sęe͠. An̕ḑ y̨o͝u'̕ré g̀o͠i̛ǹg to hel͞p ̨m͝e.' He explained, the horrible smile still fixed to his face.

Vanessa blinked lazily. It felt like she was being slowly drugged, and she was finding it increasingly difficult to move her limbs to try and remove the headset again.

'How will I do that?' She slurred, as if drunk, now defeated.

William chuckled. It sounded friendly and, if this were a different situation, it would've seemed like he'd told her a funny joke. But this was not a pleasant situation, and his chuckle made her stomach drop. But no matter how much she tried to move, nothing was happening.

'You ųnl͏ǫcke͘d͡ somet͜hi͟n͘g.̢ F͠ou͡n͡d ͏some̡t͏h̡i̵ng͢ ơf ͘yo͡ur own͢ ̨cr͟ęa͢tion͜. You w͏ere͢ ͢g͞o̧iǹg ͝t́o͞ şhow m̶e̵ thi̴s͟' William explains, then suddenly glitches and disappears.

Vanessa blinked, her breathing heavy now; where had he gone? What creation?!

'Ýo̴o ̀H̨oo͞!͜ O̴ve̵r͞ h͝ere!' William chanted gleefully behind her. The direction of his voice told Vanessa that he was by the Prize Corner, but she couldn't turn her head.

By now, she just let things happen; she was completely frozen and just watched as she was suddenly transported to the Prize Corner, in front of the smiling William...who was holding a white and brown rabbit mask.

Oh no.

Vanessa stared at the mask and, once again, tried to move, but it was no use. William giggled and tilted his head.

'I̛t̀'s b͝eaut̨iful͘.̕..let́ ͘me p̢ùt t͢h͟i͘s͝ on͘ ͡you͏. ̡It͞'ll̛ hȩl̢p a̴fter áll.' William said, his gleeful smile widening horribly. He didn't even wait for Vanessa's response before carefully placing the mask over her head.

She squeaked as she felt the mask slip over her head...wait...felt?!

'How will this help? You gonna merge to my world through this or something?' She said shakily; it took all her strength to speak up against his hold.

William's face brightened; his purple glowing eyes crazy now. 'I real͠iz͏e m̵y ̴m͟i͘s͘tak͠e! T̵h͢e̕ oth̛ȩr͜s ͝hadn't m̨a͘d̡è th̢įs ̀y͢et͝. But ͠y͟ou h͟ave' He happily explained, then looked thoughtful before smirking, 'Şo,͏ ỳe͜s I ́g͜uess y͏ou'r̕e ̢co̧rrect̨.'

Vanessa widened her eyes then gasped as William suddenly glitches madly in front of her, turning her whole vision purple.

That's when the pain started. And she found her voice.

It felt like her veins were on fire. She was now able to let out a blood curdling scream and quickly scrambled to finally get the headset off before throwing it across the room. The blinding burning sensation was still happening as she collapsed onto the floor. She kept screaming and breathing heavily, and eventually found the confidence to look at her arms...and her screaming got louder.

Her veins were glowing purple and burning her skin.

Vanessa just stared as this continued, her vision becoming blurry as tears formed; the pain was unbearable! It felt like the sensation was there forever. But, as quickly as it came, it was suddenly gone. Vanessa blinked, confused as she watched her arms. While the pain was dying down, her veins were still glowing purple.

'What is going on?' She half whined/half squeaked quietly, sniffling. She rubbed her arms, hoping it was just marker pen. But, alas, the glow stayed. She watched the colour then huffed, defeated, and slumped against her wall.

'This is just a nightmare...' she whined quietly.

'I͜'d say͞ this̛ e̢xpe̵r̀ienc͠e wa͟s ͡a dr͝eam̶ ćo̵m͡e tr͢uè!'

Vanessa's stomach dropped as she heard the familiar glitching voice nearby. In her room. She didn't want to look to confirm what she already knew, but she couldn't help it. She slowly turned her head towards the source of the voice, disbelief and horror on her face.

Previously known as Dawko, William was now standing in her room and smiling smugly at her. Despite merging from a fictional world to the real one, his appearance and voice hadn't changed at all. However, his purple glitching was much more manic than it was in the game, as if this world knew he didn't belong here and was trying to erase him.

Vanessa's eyes widen and her breathing gets short and sharp as she stares at her new uninvited guest. William smiled, amused, at her reaction.

'Y͡ou seémèd s͠urpris͢ed ́t͟o ͏see ̢ḿe̢?̡ ͝I͘ ͜wa̕sn't l̕yi͡ng͘ w̡h̀en I s̡ai̢d I͠ ̧coul͡d tra͏v̶el̀ t̴hrou͡gh̡ t͠o͝ the real ̷wo͢rld v̨i̕a ͘you͢r̨ ͏mask.͢'

Vanessa slowly shook her head, her eyes once again staring at his glowing purple ones. She knew exactly what he was doing and, yet she couldn't look away.

'It's not mine...' She weakly said, that same feeling of paralysis seeping in once more. William smirked and walked in front of her.

'St̀op mąkin̷g ex͡c͞use̵s. ͏N͠ow̢...' William snapped, before holding his hand out, that same manic expression returning. As he spoke, Vanessa's eyes started to droop, and he watched, delighted, as her eyes started to change colour from brown to red.

'G͘e͞t up̀ Vànny; we g͡ot ̶a̵ lo͝t́ ơf͏ w̕o̢ŗk ̢to d͏o!'

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