Gone, Baby , Gone

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Angelina starts hitting Mike aurora pulls Angelina away from Mike

Aurora: just go mike walk away

Mike: whatever I had enough of her shit

Aurora goes in the kitchen and makes herself a sandwich

Pauly: you gotta go bro this is family business

Aurora sits back

Aurora: sorry you had to see this

The guy walks out aurora eats a sandwich Aurora goes in the room and lays in bed Mike comes explaining about Angelina. Aurora felt bad so her and Jenni go ahead to talk to Angelina aurora hugs Angelina and comforts her.

Angelina: thank you both

Aurora smiles and heads back to the room. Aurora keeps hearing the boys say t shirt time aurora rolls her eyes playfully aurora gets ready for klutch aurora straightens her hair and puts on eyeshadow and mascara and lipgloss she changes and puts on her heels


Aurora heads to the living room and kisses Pauly  he kisses back

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Aurora heads to the living room and kisses Pauly  he kisses back

Pauly: you make me wanna smoosh

Aurora laughs and kisses him

Pauly: you been wearing my necklace every day

Aurora: of course

She smiles he smiles and kisses him the cabs were heels everyone heads in a cab Pauly and aurora make out in the cab Mike brought his girl everyone head inside klutch

aurora dances

Aurora and Pauly make out after everyone headed back home aurora changes into booty shorts and a tank top aurora sits on the couch and makes some chicken tenders and hears moaning it was mikes girl aurora laughs

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Aurora and Pauly make out after everyone headed back home aurora changes into booty shorts and a tank top aurora sits on the couch and makes some chicken tenders and hears moaning it was mikes girl aurora laughs

Aurora: he is getting at it

Pauly  and everyone else burst out laughs after aurora and Pauly cuddle and go to sleep.

- the next morning-

Aurora wakes up and changes into some Jean shorts and a crop top aurora heads to the kitchen and eats some scrambled  eggs

Mike and Angelina were arguing

Angelina: if y'all wanna argue say it to my face and we'll fight

Mike laughs Aurora holds in her laugh

- later-
Everyone gets ready  for the club aurora changes and gets ready

Aurora and everyone else heads to the club aurora dances after they head back to the house Angelina was sitting on the couch

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Aurora and everyone else heads to the club aurora dances after they head back to the house Angelina was sitting on the couch

Angelina and Snooki argue Snooki and Angelina start fighting aurora laughs Mike moves the table they start fighting aurora pulls Snooki away

Snooki: let's go bring it on bitch

Angelina goes for the attack everyone laughs  they fight again

Snooki: heyy I'm still pretty heyy I'm still pretty bitch

Aurora laughs

Angelina: sorry she's nobody

Snooki: go home she's crazy

Pauly: welcome to my home

Pauly said everyone laughs Angelina heads out  aurora changes into pajamas Angelina left aurora lays in Pauly's bed they make out then cuddle.

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