Chapter 11

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{~°•19 years ago•°~}

"Wait 。。。What if something goes wrong ? We can't risk it !"
He tells me , seeming worried 。。。

But I know what I'm doing , and it has to be done 。。。

"This can't go on for any longer , I have to put a stop to this 。。。
I have to erase their memories before it's too late 。。。"
I reply。

"But-- what if they don't remember us--"
"They will ! Trust me 。。。I've been practicing this kind of magic for a while now 。。。"
I interrupt。

he then sighs , and there is a small pause after that as he looks down in thought。

"Alright , as long as you know what you're doing 。。。"
He then tells me。

I give him a soft smile and then I open up my spell book。

I then take a deep breath , and start to recite the spell 。。。

I hope this will go well 。。。

{~°•Present Day•°~ Kyle POV}

As I'm doing the dishes , I notice that I can't srub this one thing off the plate 。。。
It was Donnie's Paw Patrol plate 。。。

I let out an annoyed sigh。

"Stan , did you use Donnie's Paw Patrol plate again ?"
I Hollar out to Stan。

" 。。。"

"Yeah , sorry-- That was me 。。。"
Stan replied。
I then roll my eyes in annoyance--
why the fuck is a grown 29 year old man using a Paw Patrol plate anyway ! ?

"Stan , get in here and wash this 。。。"
I then tell him in an annoyed tone of voice。

After a little bit he finally came into the kitchen and I handed him the plate。

"What the hell did you eat anyway ?"
I ask him。
Seriously though , I'm genuinely confused on how something can stain that bad on a fucking Paw Patrol plate 。。

"Uhm , I ate a fatass cat 。。。"
Stan replied。


"Why the fuck would you eat a cat ! ? What are you-- a monster ! ?"
I scold him。

There was a small pause for a second 。。。

"Well 。。。 to answer your first question , the cat was a real bitch , and the most fattest fucking cat I have ever seen in my entire life , ong 。。。
And , to answer your second question-- baby , we are both vampires 。。。
And a vampire is considered a monster , so yes。I am a monster 。。。"
Stan replied , obviously trying to sound like Einstein。


Ok but he does have a good point tho 😩。

{Kyle POV}

God , I can't believe that idiot sometimes 。。。

All of a sudden Stan's phone rang , he then walked out of the room and answered it。
I went back to doing the dishes , but I could faintly hear the conversation he was having。

"Dude , I can't today 。。。"
He says from the other room。

Stan's conversation continued to happen , I couldn't tell what the person on the phone was saying though 。。。

"Because , It's my week off of work and I'm with my family right now 。。。"


"No , bitch ! I'm not playing house !"

The hell ?


"Wait , really ? You guys brought it ?"

Stan then looked over at me , and then looked over at Donnie 。。。

Stan then looked back at his phone。

"Oh , alright 。。。 I'll be there in 10。"
Stan whispered。

I then get a bit mad as he hangs up the phone and puts it in his pocket。
"Hey , I'm going to go run some errands at the store 。。。 I'll be back in , uhm 。。。
Well , I'll be back。"
Stan then announced。

I then walk over to him。

"Who the hell was that on the phone ?"
I ask him , seeming a bit angry 。。。 Because I fucking am。

"Uhm , that was uh 。。。 That was my mom。" He replied。
"What does your mom need you for ? Are you going over to her place or the store ?"
I ask him while I sound annoyed with him。

I then cross my arms as I wait for him to answer。

"Listen , I need to run by her place to help her test out some spells。Then I have to go to the store because we're out of baby food 。。。" Stan explained。

Hmm 。。。 I guess he could be telling the truth。

"Alright , but don't be long 。。。" I reply with a sigh。He then gave me a kiss。
"Don't worry , I won't。" He replied with a smile。

He then left the house , shutting the door behind him ofc。

I then look over at Donnie and sigh because I notice him trying to crawl back up to the ceiling again。

I gently grab him off the wall。"No , honey。You can't be climbing on the walls and ceiling , that's very bad 。。。"
I tell him ,
then set him back down on the couch。

I then sat next to Donnie。

"Usually I'm the one going out and getting food for you。Well , Stan is a great dad 。。。"
I say to Donnie。
But , when I said that last part I had some deja Vu 。。。

Why would me saying that , sound familiar ! ?

It's never like I've ever said that before 。。。 So , why would I get deja Vu ?
It's not like I've ever known Stan before I was ever 16 。。。


Or did I 。。。?

Family with the Vampire !? // Falling for the Vampire SEQUEL !!Where stories live. Discover now