Chapter one: Dream

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Rock tossed and turned as the same dream happen every night. he was stuck in abounded city. 

 broken down care, destroyed building and trash lay the streets, bodies were laying everywhere. 

but as he looks around, he see the same figure a man. the man wore dark overalls, camo flak 

jacket, knee pads, long rubber boot, yellow working jacket, military helmet ,black work glove 

and last what scare the most was his mask and military gas mask on his face blocking his eyes. 

and you only see darkness and he is holding what seem to be a makeshift flamethrower. Rock 

could only hear man breathing thought the mask. As rock hear the cries of people and Seema of 

many rock want cove his ear the screamed and cried grow loud and louder and flash of 

Christian cross push in his head over until everything was gulf in this light green smoke.

 covering everything and once it hit Rock. that when he woke up, he was swatting baldy his 

whole mattress was by sweat of fear and as rock turn to check see he was not dream at all. Rock 

breath slow down and then lay back down just staring at celling whole night. 

Rock's heart raced as he tried to shake off the lingering fear from his vivid nightmare. He glanced at the digital clock on his nightstand; the red numbers glowed 3:14 AM. A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat up. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, trying to clear his mind from the haunting images that had plagued his sleep.

The room felt suffocating, as if the remnants of that green smoke had seeped into the real world. Rock reached for a glass of water on the nightstand, his hand trembling slightly as he brought it to his lips. The cold liquid helped soothe his parched throat, but it did little to ease the turmoil inside him.

With a determined exhale, Rock swung his legs off the bed and stood up. He needed to clear his head, to shake off the remnants of the dream that clung to him like a shroud. He padded over to the window, pulling back the heavy curtains to reveal the cityscape outside. The streets below were quiet, the only movement coming from the occasional flicker of a streetlamp.

Rock's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the recurring dream. Who was that man in the hazmat suit? What did the vivid imagery of the cross and the green smoke signify? Was it just a product of his overactive imagination, or was there something more to it?

The recent bombing in the city added another layer of unease to his thoughts. Ten gang members dead – a violent event that had shaken the already precarious balance of the streets. Rock's thoughts shifted to the possibility that his dream might be a warning, a glimpse into something darker that was unfolding beneath the surface.

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the window, Rock made a decision. He couldn't ignore the persistent nagging in his mind any longer. He needed to uncover the truth, to understand the connection between his haunting dream and the recent events in the city. Maybe, just maybe, he could make a difference, help someone in need, and put an end to. the unsettling visions that had taken over his nights.

* few days ago *

  Rock ,Revy, Benny and Dutch were at the apartment siting around. Revy turn to rock to see that

  Rock was tire she remember that he had told her that he been having off dreams lately  

she was about to speak until * BOOM* a large explosion shaken the whole block was shaken and 

Black Lagoon: Rock dreamWhere stories live. Discover now