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Look at the sky. Are there clouds? I hope not. Because if not, you can see the stars.
And stars... Are as beautiful as fuck. I mean, just look at them. I don't know why, but I used to wish I was up there, by the stars at night, in the clouds by day.

It felt like wanderlust, to be honest.
That was maybe 2 years ago, I think. It was the first time, I created OC's.
I created them to feel like I could be them and live in the clouds. I wanted it so bad.

I wanted to dance with the stars. With this beautiful things.

I'm Aries by the way. What sign are you?

But back to the stars. Did you know that our sun is a dwarf star?

Scientifically, stars are massive celestial bodies composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, producing light and heat through stellar nuclear fusion within them. Because of that a star practically slowly burns itself up. If at some point the fuel supplies are exhausted, it goes dark and collapses or explodes. So a star slowly burns itself up, so to speak. If at some point the fuel supplies are exhausted, it goes dark and collapses or explodes. Our sun will also end like this one day.

Yellow hypergiants are among the rarest stars in the universe; so far, researchers have only positively identified ten in our Milky Way.

But they're much more types of stars:

• white dwarves
• blue dwarves
• yellow dwarves
• red dwarves
• brown dwarves

Giants and Hypergiants:
• red giants
• blue giants
• red hypergiants
• yellow hypergiants

• supernova
• neutron stars
• black holes

Stars spend most of their time as main sequence stars, very gradually fusing hydrogen into helium in their core and radiating the energy thus gained as heat and light. But everything has an end - including a star's hydrogen. When it runs out, the star undergoes a dramatic transformation. Which one depends on its mass. Stars with less than half the mass of the sun, such as red and brown dwarfs, lead an inconspicuous existence: The core goes out, and after the shell burns, the envelopes also gradually cool until the star contracts under its own weight into a white dwarf and ends up as a black dwarf. Somewhat heavier stars inflate to a red giant before, but also end as a white dwarf. But very heavy stars - from about eight solar masses - end in a very big bang: a supernova: The shells are blown off and what remains is an extremely compressed stellar remnant - a neutron star or a black hole. Often, the end of a star's life is a spectacular, bright farewell - and at the end, a no longer visible, but very extreme stellar remnant remains.


But much more interesting are the zodiac signs, their meaning, and who you match best with (sarcasm).

So here are the answers of all this questions:


Born between March 21 and April 20, element fire.

The typical Aries is adventurous, passionate, confident and wants to stand out from the crowd. He is an outspoken achiever, extremely determined and hands-on. If he has set his mind on something, he wants to push it through and develops an almost endless energy to achieve his goal. Be it in a professional or private environment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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