"No, they're continuing to move inland and... hold," Commanche went silent and Free-Bird waited impatiently for her to continue. "The second enemy plane is no longer on radar. It looks like Maverick shot down the second plane!" Free-Bird silently celebrated as relief washed over her.

"How would you like us to proceed?" Hangman asked.

"Continue to Maverick and fly cover, there are still other bandits in the area." Commanche ordered.

"Copy," they said at the same time. Free-Bird and Hangman continued on course for Maverick and Rooster's position. They didn't say anything except for the occasional update or to respond to Commanche. After a few minutes, an enemy plane popped up on Free-Bird's radar, heading the same direction as them.

"Shit, Hangman you see that?"

"Yep, I bet he's going to see what happened to his friends." Then, the F-14 popped up on Free-Bird's radar.

"Oh my god..."

"Shit he's right on their nose." Hangman said. Free-Bird pressed her throttle forward, going even faster. Hangman didn't say anything and matched her speed. Finally, the planes came into view. The 5th generation fighter opened fire and Maverick barely dodged it, turning around and moving away from Free-Bird and Hangman. Free-Bird cursed and flew after them. The plane fired at Maverick and Rooster again, this time, grazing their wings with bullets.

"Fuck, their hit!" Free-Bird yelled. They watched as the F-14 shot upwards, quickly gaining altitude. "They are going to eject!" They continued to follow the planes as they shot into the sky. Nothing happened for a few moments. "Why aren't they ejecting?" Free-Bird yelled.

"He's gonna take the shot," Hangman warned.

"Fuck I can't get a lock!"

"I got it!" Just as a missile detached from the bottom of the fighter, Hangman obliterated the plane with a missile of his own. They both exclaimed in celebration and flew closer to the F-14, flanking either side of it.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your savior speaking. Please fasten your seat belts return your tray tables to their locked and upright positions and prepare for landing." Hangman laughed.

"Cocky as ever..." Free-Bird grumbled. Mav and Rooster both turned to look at Hangman. Maverick signed a greeting as the men chuckled with relief.

"Hey Hangman, you look good," Rooster said.

"I am good Rooster, I'm very good." Hangman responded. Rooster turned to look at Free-Bird.

"Hey Fr-"

"Shut it." Free-Bird cut him off. She took and deep breath before speaking. "I am going to rip both of your heads off." She heard both men chuckle. "I'll see you back on deck."

Free-Bird landed first, Hangman following shortly after. She watched as they prepared for Maverick to land without his landing gear, she would have to ask how he managed to do that after she screamed at him. She watched with a scowl as they lost an engine and, essentially, crash landed. As soon as the canopy on their plane started to come up, Free-Bird stormed over. She kept a scowl on her face as Rooster climbed out of the plane and spotted her. He shrunk into himself slightly when he registered her expression.

"I am going to kill you!" Anne started, walking until she was standing right in front of him and yelling over the commotion around her. "Why did you ever think that it was a good idea to risk your life KNOWING that there were multiple bandits in the area and a runway crawling with people who want to kill you not even 500 feet away from you?! I don't want to hear shit about me being stupid and dangerous when you pull that shit... and the love confession wasn't needed!" Anne continued to rant and lecture him as Bradley smiled down at her. "If you ever pull anything like that again I will PERSONALLY make sure you never. fly. again." Anne was out of breath and had a finger pressed against his chest.

"Are you done?" Bradley asked, still smiling.

"No. Also I-" Bradley cut her off by grabbing her waist and pulling her into a kiss. Anne eagerly returned the kiss, wrapping her hands around his neck. When they pulled back they kept their foreheads together, breathing for a moment. "So you love me?" Anne asked with a small smile.

"I think I've made that pretty clear."

Anne kissed him again before saying, "I love you too." They turned and saw their friends standing with smirks on their face.

"It's about damn time!" Mickey yelled.

"Yea, it was getting kind of painful." Natasha said, wrapping her arm around Anne. They all laughed and congratulated Anne and Bradley on the successful mission. After finishing with her friends, Anne walked over to her dad. When he spotted her, she rushed towards him and almost tackled him with a hug.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"For what honey?"

"Bringing Bradley home," Anne pulled back, "But also for coming home yourself. I didn't want to lose you after I just got you back." Anne offered him a smile.

"Like I said, I'm here now. Weather you like it or not. And your not going to be able to get rid of me that quickly." He smiled and winked. Anne laughed and hugged him again. When she turned around, Hangman was standing there, smiling at her.

"We make a pretty good team." He offered his hand and she shook it.

"Damn right we do." They smiled before Anne walked back over to her friends. "Where's Bradley?" Bob nodded behind her. Anne turned to see Bradley and her dad hugging. Part of her melted. A smile grew on her face, so large it made her cheeks hurt. Seeing the two most important men in her life reconcile and realize how much they cared about each other made her happier than words could express. When they pulled back. Maverick smiled and said something before patting him on the shoulder and walking away. Bradley turned around, a large smile on his face. He jogged back to Anne, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her up, holding her to his chest. Anne laughed as he squeezed her.

Bradley met her eyes and said, "Be mine. Please. This mission made me realize how much I need you by my side." Anne smiled wider and pecked his lips.

"I'm yours, Bradley." He squeezed her one last time and set her down. Their friends had drifted slightly so they jogged to catch up.

"Alright," Anne wrapped her arms around Natasha and Bob. "Who's up for drinks when we get back?" Anne asked. The group cheered. For the first time in her life, Anne was at peace. She was with the people she loved and everyone was safe. That was all that mattered.

AN: The next chapter might be really short because it will just be the end stuff BUUUUUT HOW DID YALL LIKE THIS?!?!
I love you all <3

Always Interrupted | Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now