Chapter 8: Bee Captured Pt. 1

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A/N: HEYYYYY IM BACK EVERYBODY!! Y'all miss me 😎 I went to the beach, got fried like an egg and wanted to die so I was a LITTLE burnt sorry TwT BUT MOT TO WORRY, I'm back now! And to pay for your troubles I brought a two parter with me UwU enjoy

Optimus never thought himself as soft. Although, that didn't mean he was ruthless. Hearing his comrades conversation had his mind second guessing itself. He hadn't been that different, right? He was simply taking the necessary measures to ensure Melody wasn't scared. Just as Ironhide said.

Speaking of Melody, his mind placed its self-exploratory thoughts on haitus as the young girl shuffled around, catching his attention.

She curled herself into a ball, occasionally trembling as she leaned on the door and stared out the window. As she waited for Sam to come back so they could end this strange little adventure, Optimus grunted quietly, making her look at the stereo. She tilted her head as her expression fell into one of concern. "Optimus? You okay?"

There was a beat of silence before he answered. "Yes, Melody, I'm alright." He paused. "Your voice. From before..."

Her eyes widened as her cheeks flushed and she looked down grimly. "I said sorry, Optimus, you don't need to-"

"Please sing," he said a little quickly, making her blink in surprise. He hesitated and lowered his voice. "I haven't heard anything like it since the fall of Cybertron. I'd like to hear it again.."

Melody stared at the stereo, the seats warming up ever slightly beneath her thighs with her silence. She let out a quiet breath and looked down. "...Optimus, I-"

She flinched as some bright lights flashed across the dash and looked up. Several black vans were pulling up to her house, surrounding them. She gasped quietly, "Oh nononono- Optimus, please, you have to get out of here. All of you, now!" Before he could respond, she jumped out of the truck and sprinted up to the house.

She slipped in through the back door and bumped into Sam as he scrambled down the stairs, shoving her hoodie into her arms. She put it on quickly and gulped as men in black surrounded them.

One man in particular, clearly in charge, handed Mom's bat to a nearby agent, God only knows why he had it. "How you doin', son? Is your name Sam?" he asked, all too cheerful.

"Yeah," Sam answered, holding his sister's hand and hiding her a little behind him.

The man looked at her. "And I assume you're little miss Melody?"

The dark haired girl nodded. "Well, I need you two to come with me." the man said, causing the siblings' parents to move in front of them protectively.

"Whoa, way out of line," Dad said.

"Sir, I am asking politely. Back off," the man replied coolly.

Melody gulped and nudged her father. "Dad, he's asking politely, we should just go..." she said softly, earning a glare from her father.

The man nodded to her. "Listen to your other chihuahua."

His remark made Melody tense up and frown. She stepped back as Dad and the man continued to argue. They paused as another agent walked over. "I think direct contact," he whispered, holding up some kind of small radar thing.

The man looked between Melody and Sam, exchanging looks with his colleague before taking the radar and turning to the pair. "Son? Step forward please. Little missy, you too."

The two did as told and stayed silent as he hovered the radar thingy over their bodies, the beeping getting louder and faster the closer it got. "Fourteen rads," the man stated. "Bingo! Tag 'em and bag 'em!"

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