Chapter 5: Meeting Bumblebee

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Suddenly, the camaro lurched forward, beelining out of the space before the police car could trap them. They drove a good distance before skidding and throwing the Witwicky siblings onto the ground. Once they were out, the car transformed back into the giant yellow robot they'd seen the night before and stood above them protectively.

The police car then transformed as well and tackled the yellow one to the ground. As the two bots began fighting, the police bot released a smaller, faster one that sprinted towards Melody, grabbing her leg. 

"Sam!" she screamed, trying to kick the annoying thing away as it made her fall. "Sam, Sam, help!!"

"Okay, hold on, hold on!!" he shouted as he looked on some metal shelves covered in tools. His eyes landed on a reciprocating saw. "Hang on, Mel, I'm coming!!" Meanwhile, the poor girl was backed up against the chainlink fence, trying to kick the little bot away.

"Get off her!" Sam shouted, hacking away at it until all that was left of its teeny little body was its teeny little head. He was jabbering.... something alien. *shrugs in author* Sam nodded smugly. "Yeah, not so tough without a head, are ya?" He dropkicked the head into the distance, a Will Helm scream echoing as it flew.

Melody leaned on her breath as she caught her breath. "Next time just kill it or something..." She shook her head. "I don't need it growing like seventeen heads and coming back for vengeance."

Sam looked at her for a moment in disbelief. "....that's a Hydra. And those aren't real."

"Well, Kaiju's weren't supposed to be real either, yet here we are!" she shouted as she threw her hands in the air.

"They aren't Kaijus!"

"How do you know?? Who made you the sudden ambassador of Kaiju relations?!"

The elder brother sighed and rolled his eyes. "C'mon. We gotta go." He pulled her wrist.

The two started toward the hill where the yellow transformer appeared, the last robot standing. Now, understand something. On a normal day, Sam would be Melody's support. Try to stand on her own as she might, Sam is often the one she can at least somewhat trust in a serious situation. However, in this instance, she somehow didn't fear the robot, like Sam did. She didn't fear this one anyway. Call it what you may, be it bravery, courage...or maybe she just decided to stand on that line between life and death, and see what happens because she didn't care anymore. But whatever the reason may be, Melody just...wasn't scared.

"What do you think it is?" Sam asked, somewhat hiding behind his shorter sister, sawzaw at the ready.

Melody stared at the giant robot in pure shock and awe. "It's a robot..." she answered simply.

Sam rolled his eyes. "No shit, Sherlock." Melody gave him a look and he rubbed his neck. "Sorry."

She sighed quietly and looked back at the robot. "I don't think it wants to hurt us," she said, taking a few small steps up the hill.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Sam asked as she stepped closer.

Melody shrugged a little. "Well, if it wanted to hurt us, it would've done that already... I-I mean it could've just let the other guy do that for it."

"Really?" Sam sad sarcastically. "Well, do you speak robot because I'm pretty sure they just had, like, a giant droid death match...!" he whisper-shouted.

Melody ignored her brother as she walked up to the robot, who took a knee so as to be closer to her level. She took a breath and lifted her hand. "Hey, big's okay.." she whispered gently. She smiled, laughing to herself. "Though you already knew that, didn't you?"

A small moan came from the mysterious bot as he closed his eyes and leaned into her hand. She beamed and tilted her head. "Attaboy..." 

After a minute, it stood to its full height and Sam joined Melody's side. "Can you talk," he asked.

The robot's radio staticked to life, giving a few beeps and whirrs. "XM Satellite radio~digital cable~broadcasting system," he replied, rapidly shifting through radio stations.

Melody stepped forward. "So, y-you talk through the radio?"

He clapped and pointed to her. "Thank you! You're wonderful, you're wonderful," he said, causing Melody's cheeks to brighten as she smiled.

She took off her beanie and ran a hand through her messy hair with a light whistle. "So, what was that last night? A-at the junkyard?"

The robot pointed to the sky, "Message from Starfleet Captain~through the inanimate vastness of space~will rain down like visitors from Heaven, hallelujah!"

Sam frowned. "So...what are you an alien, or something?"

The robot pointed at the young Witwicky as though to agree with him before transforming back into a car, opening the side door for them. "There anymore questions you wanna ask?" the stereo said.

The siblings looked at each other. As Melody turned and started towards the car, Sam caught her wrist. "Whoa, wait!" He looked at his little sister in shock. "We're doing this?"

Melody looked at him blankly and then looked at the car. All her life, she never had a reason to be here. To live. She was never interesting or outstanding or confident, not even fake-confident. But this car. This...robot, alien...thing. It was interesting. Outstanding. It was something that came into her life. Not her parents', not the girls at school, maybe not even Sam's. This was something exciting and spectacular and it was happening to her.

"50 years from now, when you're looking back on your life..." She looked at her brother. "Don't you wanna be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?"

two chapters in one night!! >:D LESGOOO we finally saw bee everybody!! 0w0 and the next chapter, we'll finally meet the myth the man the legend hehehehe

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