🏒Hat Trick⛸️

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"Coach Jun!" Mike yelled loudly as he approached the rink, attempting to get Jun's attention.

"What is it, Mike?" Jun never looked away from his team while they practised on the ice. "Duke! What in the world are you doing? That was a foul. Pass the puck to Gale correctly!"

"Coach Jun!" Mike's worried voice prompted Jun to finally confront him.
"The news about Mr. Wei Wuxian has gone viral on the internet, and we've been getting a lot of phone calls from people who want the inside scoop." Please contact the PR team as soon as possible."

Thrusting his phone into Jun's palm, he was surprised to discover his partner's name trending at the top spot on social media. What startled him the most was the presence of another name beside Wei Ying's.

Hugo Marc.

Clicking on one of the links, is his Wei Ying's image, laughing and eating dinner with Hugo, flashed up with the caption proclaiming, 'The Goaltenders of the Red Titans are Dating?'

"Mike." Jun gently returned the phone to Mike and said, "I'll contact the PR as soon as possible. In the meantime, ask Henry to take over from me for the time being, and I'll contact Xian and keep you all updated."

"Okay, Coach."

Without another word, Jun sprinted towards his office, where his phone was ringing nonstop. It was Wei Ying.


"Azure! You finally answered my call. Have you seen the news? Are you upset or frustrated with me? It's not true, believe me. Nothing is going on between Hugo-"

"Wei Ying. Stop. I believe in you." Jun wasn't lying. He truly believed his Wei Ying, and there was no ounce of doubt in that. When there was no response from Xian, Jun inquired, "Xian?"

"Why do you trust me, Azure?" Xian finally asked after a few seconds.

"Because," Jun explained as he sat in his chair and requested, "Can we have a video call? I'd like to see you. Is that even possible?"

The conversation was terminated before Jun could finish his sentence, and his phone rang to signify an incoming video call.

"Hey!" Seeing and hearing Xian always made Jun immensely ecstatic. It was when Xian's face appeared in front of him that Jun asked, "Where are you?"

Looking around, Xian returned Jun's gaze and replied, "In one of the Red Titans' private suites. The management decided that I should stay here overnight to protect my true dwelling, which was Xie Lian's house, and I agreed."

"Are you comfortable?" Jun inquired, and Xian assented, "Yes. I am. Don't worry."

Jun, satisfied with his response for the time being, continued, "To answer your previous question, Xian, I did not ask you to be my partner on the spur of the moment. Before proposing to be your partner, I gave it a lot of thought. You're a household name, a familiar face across Asia, and a promising athlete.

"Being famous entails a great deal of responsibility and potential scandal. I was emotionally prepared to share you with innumerable fans, both real and fanatical. I knew my significant other would be tied to anyone and everyone with whom he interacted. I understand exactly what I'm singing for, Xian."

Jun's words affected Xian a lot, and this he could witness in his partner's eyes.

Xian took a minute to express his concern: "Why do you want to be in this relationship with me, Azure? Don't you think there are countless people available for you to date who are drama-free? All you'll get out of this long-distance relationship is any scandal revolving around me, and you'll be bombarded with unwanted questions. Isn't it easy for you to find someone who is always by your side?"

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