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A Few Months Ago

"You missed your session today."

Moving his gaze from the book he was reading, Xian found Dr. Singh holding a soccer ball in his hand and peering at him expectantly.

Xian had to agree with Dr. Singh's statement. He had deliberately missed the session as his heart wasn't entirely comfortable enough to open his wooes to the other man. Having trust issues was enough to keep him awake at night, and even though it was he who wanted to seek help, Xian was too exhausted to even think of the probable questions that Dr. Singh would pose.

Bouncing the ball on his knees, Xian was impressed with his doctor's agile moves. One would assume that a man of his stature would be old and grey, but that was far from the truth.

Dr. Singh was in his early forties, and though some might consider him old, Xian found the man cute. The kind doctor was definitely in the prime of his health, with very little visible fat on himself. Now, witnessing his agile moves, Xian concluded that the doctor was, once upon a time, a player.

"Would you like to join me for some soccer, Xian?"

Xian had to give it to his doctor; the man was persistent.


Xian acknowledged that the game was indeed fun, but how the time had passed by, he had no clue. Probably, with no pressure to win or perform well, he was finally having some fun.

Passing his doctor a bottle of water, Xian grinned and said, "You play well. Did you ever consider joining a team or playing professionally?"

Taking a sip, the kind doctor smiled and nodded as he shared, "Back then, as a teenager, I played for the state. But due to an ankle injury, I was forced to take a break, and after that, I could never play in any professional field."

Xian wasn't sure what to say. He knew no sportsman would ever like to hear the word 'I am sorry. He would definitely never want to hear it.

"But that does not mean I don't play. Every few weekends, my friends and I catch up and play soccer for an entire day."

"That sounds nice." It sure did.

Taking another sip of his water, Dr. Singh finally asked, "What made you want to be a goaltender?"


"Goaltender." Pointing towards the goal post, Dr. Singh continued, "You chose to be a goalkeeper. Why?"

With a shrug, Xian answered, "It wasn't a conscious decision. I just chose it."

"Did you always want to be a goalie? It isn't usually a position that people choose."

Thinking back to his earlier days, Xian answered, "My coach was the one to suggest this position. He said I had a keen knack for observation. A goalie is the only person who can judge the entire game."

"Like an eagle's eye?" Dr. Sign prodded, and Xian agreed. "Xian?"


"Why did you choose Ice Hockey?"

"What do you mean?" Wiping his sweat, Xian cocked his head to the side and asked.

"Why Ice Hockey? Why not football? Why not Tennis?"

Pondering back to his childhood and a fond memory of JC winning his goal, Xian shared, "JC loved Ice Hockey. He had no one play with him, and I could not panthom him being sad. That being said, I agreed to play for him."

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