DOUBLE TROUBLE (Oscar and Morris Delancey)

Start from the beginning

I blink a few times. I wonder... Am I curious... Well, yeah. If they don' wanna soak me, if they were following me... What do they really wants?

- After all – Oscar holds my wrist against the wall, near my ear, - She can go back to those stinky Newsies... Or she can play with the Delanceys... – He bites his lip sligthly.

Morris rests his shoulder on the wall by my side. He's also more handsome than I imagined. – Look, she's all red!

- The-they is gonna miss me... – I whisper. I'm getting confused by the feelings inside my heart.

- Course they will... Everybody wanna a bite, huh? – Oscar laughs.

- And if they come, we'll punch'em off – Morris also laughs.

My breath is shortening. I had never considered their faces to be so cute. Although, I don't think that's the moment for it... What if all the Newsies go to sleep and lock the door to the Lodging House? Well, then I think I'ma have to get to Jack and Crutchie's penthouse... Well... In that case, I don't think it matters if I'm late... Les definetely went home a long time ago...

- Still scared, Newsie? – Oscar cuts off my thoughts – We're not unfair... Oh, no. We just spank the one's who deserve it... Who don't behave... who's annoying... – With his other hand, Oscar straightens up my suspenders.

- Scared? Im not afraid of you guys... – I try to keep my gaze determined.

- Really? – He grins – Then, let's do this... I'll release you – He slowly releases my hand – And you are free... But – He hits the wall with his other hand, right by my head – If ya run... we'll run after you

He gives me a scary smile, and takes a small step back. Morris stands by him. I'm smaller, so I'm faster. Maybe I could escape them if I ran. But I stand still, staring at them.

They both smile satisfied, with a sparkly gleam in their dark eyes. So I cross my arms, pretending to be bored.

- Alright, what now?

- Okay... You're not a complete coward... – Oscar comes back close again.

- Hey, it's my turn! – Morris pushes his brother, and gets closer to me, wanting to corner me.

Oscar just holds his shoulder, calmly – Patience, Morris... I'm softening her for you

It was bizarre, Morris simply accepted and stepd aside, giving Oscar space.

Oscar delancey walks towards me, this time putting both his hands on the wall, trapping me. – See? We're civilized... we're not like that flock of newsbrats... That's what we wanted to talk about

- That you's no brats? – I ask.

- Yeah. We're men. – Morris crosses his arms, lifting his chin proudly.

I couldn't help giggling. Most Newsies are about 15 to 17 years old, and I doubt these 2 are older than that. Just because they work for Wiesel and wear better clothes, it doesn't mean they're adults... Much less that they is not troublemakers.

- Real brave... laughing on Delancey's faces – Oscar squints. I don't know if he's irritated or amused.

I stop giggling.

- Go on, tell us why you were laughing – Morris says

- It's-It's just that... You're not older than them... are you? – I don't know why I'm hesitating.

- Maybe not chronologicaly – Oscar anwsers, know straightaning my collar with both his hands. My face is burning.

- Ya know, we've been through troubles and tribulations... So we just keep order, simple as is... You newsies is too unruly, someone's gotta have responsability – He says calmly.

- I thought that was on Wiesel... – I spit.

- Maybe, but our uncle taught us to grow up.

- Right. In this city, only the fittest will survive. – Morris adds.

- So imagine our surprise when we noticed the little girl newsie wandering about by herself late at night... You're lucky we're the ones who found you, cause guys from this part of town are not this gentle – Oscar's eyes actually seem full of compassion.

- So we're here to teach you a lesson – Morris rubs his fists.

I freeze. They really wanted trouble! They's gonna soak me!

- Shut up, Morris! – Oscar seems to be losing his patience. – She was just getting calm!

- But that's what you said! "Let's teach her a lesson"!

- It was a metaphor, you idiot! – He sighs. – See, she's shitting her pants, we don't need to beat her up!

- Hey! – I couldn't help anwsering. – I'm not a coward!

- No, but you're stupid! – Oscar talks to me, harshly – I'm serious, ya know what happens to pretty girls like you if ya walk about alone? You gotta be dumb!

- I can take care of myself, you moron!

- Oh, can ya? If I say the word my brother will beat you up, wanna try? – He raises his brow, and I shrink.

- You were so distracted you didn't even see us both following you, and the cherry on top: ya entered a dark alley! I don't have to tell ya the cops don't give a shit if anyone came to actually soak you up, right?

Now I'm confused. Is Oscar really worried bout me?

- Hey, he's talking to ya! – Morris taps on my head. Oscar threatens to smack him.

- Al-alright, I get it... I won't go home late... satisfied?

Oscar crosses his arms, looking at me suggestively. Morris makes a grimace, as if saying yes.

- So... Are ya going with me to Newsboys House? – I also cross my arms.

- I knew you were a coward... – Oscar laughs – Come

I follow them both on a short walk. It really was a shortcut, it don't take long till we arrive.

- Tha-thank you... – I say, feeling a bit weird by what just happened. The newsies always taught me to beware of the Delancey brothers cause they's troublemaking jerks. And they do look the part everyday at de Distribution Center. I wasn't expecting them to care bout me.

- No need to thank us. We got a price – Morris says when Oscar nods to him.

I knew it... They's gonna take my cents... I sigh, but before I could reach in my pocket, Oscar says:

- You won't let us go without a good night's kiss, right darling?

My eyes widen a bit. My face is warm. But I give in. I give'em both a little peck, they were surprisingly loving, and then watch'em go away.

I hope Jack didn't see it from the penthouse, or I'll get disowned from the newsies!

Or was it all just a dream?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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