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- I'm tellin ya, ya gon' love it, Y/N – Race says with a cigar between his teeth.

- I get that, but I wanna know where exactly we is going

- Calm down, we is almost there – The blonde talks with his usual carefree tone, walking calmly with his hands in his pockets.

- Come on, Race, tell me! – I throw myself onto him slightly, bumping onto his shoulders... Better yet, his arms, since I'm shorter.

- Hih, listen up, silly! – His playful smile is stunning – Even if ya lost the bet, ya don' have ta come! I don' tell noone ya chickened up!

- You calling me a coward? – I say.

Usually he bets some coins, but not this time. I was expecting the boys to challenge me to kiss Race or something, since I've been flirting with him for some time, but they didn't. Instead, Racetracker himself challenged me to come break some law with him. Course I'm scared! Crutchie told me all about the Refuge, I don't wanna end up there!

Still, I also don't wanna waste the opportunity to spend time with Race. He specifically asked for it to be just the two of us, alone. Maybe he doesn't really wanna break some rule, but to do something more... fun. And far from the other Newsies, for sure.

- If da shoe fits... – He shrugs, with a mischievous smile.

- I'm no coward! I'm just tired of walking nowhere with that stinky smell in the air

- Hey, don say that! I took a shoyer this week! – He laughs, thinks I'm teasing. We've been teasing eachother a lot lately.

- Nah, it's this dang cigar! Put it out! – I tried taking the cigar from his mouth, but he's faster. Race grabs my hand and holds on to it, as he keeps walking. I guess I'm blushing now.

- Don cramp my style! Tis barely lit! Has been for 3 months – He keeps holding my hand while we walk.

It doesn't take long till we arrive:

"NOW SHOWING: State Fair"

- The cinema? – I ask

- The cinema – he stares at me, with a mischievous smile.

My heart skips a beat. Racetracker Higgins, with his curly blonde hair, his beautiful blue eyes, and this seemingly innocent smile, looks like an angel. But those who know him, know his no saint.

I stare at him with widened eyes, shruging, as if asking what's his intentions. Race smiles satisfied, shakes his cigar, and finally releases my hand, putting his in his pockets and turning his head so I follow him. I find it weird, but do follow him to a little alley nearby.

- D'ya see the dooye? – he points with his eyes.

- Hu-hum

- Then lets watcha movie

- Ay, hold on – I hold his arm – Ya wanna go in under-the-table?

- Cluck, cluck, cluck! – He teases

- Shut up, they gon get us!

- Ya gon give up? Chickened up? – He slips his arm around my neck, we're really close – Ya is all red in the face, poor thing!

- I'm no poor thing! – I try to talk, my heart beating faster – It's just they gonna see us if ya enter with this lit cigar

I say that, but despite being so close, the smell is not bothering me that much.

- Boring! – He shakes the cigar intently, then hides it in his pocket.

We look around, to guarantee there's nobody near. Race goes first, opens the little backdoor slowly, and peeks inside. He then gives me a sign and we enter crouching, sitting beneath the first seats, so noone can see us. We exchange victorious sights and satisfieds smiles, and for the first time ever, I see the famous cinema room.

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