Part 7

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When she woke up, she found herself back in the cozy bed. 
“I’ll have you know,” Yolanda informed, “That was extremely embarrassing for you. But I suppose you have a good reason. Now, let’s get you ready for dinner with everyone. Prince Alexander will explain everything he can.” 
April groaned, not exactly looking forward to another possible session of dumping huge information on her head. However, she didn’t understand what she had to get ready. She still had the dress from earlier on, and when she told Yolanda this, she laughed, and dressed her anyways.
April was now wearing a beautiful, sky blue, short-sleeved dress, which had many beading pearl sequins all over, and several lone butterflies scattered around. A rhinestone tiara sat atop her hair, which was styled into a chignon. She had a butterfly bracelet, accompanied with dangling butterfly earrings. Even though she wanted to refuse the makeup, she had again been forced into it. There was no escaping the android. 
April had cat-eye eyeliner, peach lip tint and a little bit of blush. She was then pushed into the dining room, where many people were sitting. 
Empress Cinder, Emperor Kai, Scarlet, Wolf, Winter, Jacin, Iko, Kinney, Cress, Thorne,  Royal Advisor Torrin, and Prince Alexander (still with his hood, for some reason that April couldn’t figure out) all stopped their conversations. Iko bounced out her chair, and hugged April, who froze again, out of surprise.
“Hi, April! I have been waiting FOREVER to meet you! Well not forever, since technically I didn’t know about you before- BUT you get the point! I’m Iko- And I’m sort of Cinder’s chosen family. So, technically, you're my half-sister too!”
“Iko, don’t harass her,” Cinder sighed. “She just got here.”
“Oh right. Sorry.” Iko tossed her hair.
“N-No it’s f-fine. Wow. I can’t believe this,” April said, pinching herself again, making sure this wasn’t a dream/nightmare. “Well, I’ve always wanted to meet you all… But never have I imagined it would be like this.” April said quietly, but Thorne heard her, and he stood up with a cry of triumph.
“HA. What did I tell you all? WE. ARE. FAMOUS. You heard what she said. MHM THAT’S RIGHT. I WAS CORRECT. She wanted to meet us!” Thorne yelled ecstatically, pumping his hand into the air, celebrating.
“Thorne, dear, calm down.” Scarlet snapped. “You’re making a horrible first impression.” 
“I’m just being me. What are you, my mom?” 
“ANYWAYS.” Cress interrupted. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, April. Come, have a seat.” 
April numbly took a seat at the one empty spot (Other than Iko’s, who was still standing next to her). Iko went to sit as well.
“April. I believe you want the full story?” Prince Alexander said, snapping his hands, to which many androids came, serving dinner.  April nodded, staying silent, for she feared she would blurt out a lot of fangirl stuff, instead of what she actually wanted to say. 
The hooded prince cleared his throat, and over dinner he told her his story. When he aged 16, his father set out, and became the owner of a bookshop, never telling anyone his real identity. He did so, because he thought perhaps one day, he would come across a girl, or another way to break the curse. Meanwhile, Alexander had contacted Emperor Kai, 3 years after the death of Levana. He was 17, at that time, which meant he was now 18. Emperor Kai had asked Nainsi to set to work on finding a way around the curse, but uncovered evidence that another daughter of Channary existed instead, and since then, they were looking for her.
Then, the Lunar Republic started trying to completely cut off communication with Earth, but still wanted Earth to send resources. Earth refused, and now the government of the Lunar Republic was threatening to start a war. No one knew why there was this.. Sudden change, but it had happened, and now the rulers had to deal with it.
“Oh.. So. Um. Why am I here? And how do I not have Lunar madness?” April asked once Prince Alexander was done talking. 
“To the second question, it’s because your father isn’t Lunar. To the first, not only did you need a family reunion,” Emperor Kai (she would most probably never think of him as her half-brother-in-law) said. “But there’s more to the story than what we just told you.” The prince took that moment to tell her about a prophecy that the Enchantress had foretold, talking about another child of Channary. Apparently, this was news to everyone but Kai.
WHEN exactly were you going to mention this? I think it’s a little important.” Wolf growled.
Jacin nodded, scowling. Kinney stared daggers at the Emperor. Winter frowned. Scarlet glowered. Cress sighed. Thorne glared. Royal Advisor Torrin showed no emotion. Cinder shot Kai a look that said we will talk about this later. Her husband flinched, possibly frightened for his life. Clearly she didn’t know either.
“Well then, what is it?” Iko asked. Alexander began to recite it.
A war quite so close,
Perhaps and why,
Nobody knows.
A curse set on one young prince,
A spell in action,
Who else can fix,
Who else can see?
Other then the second daughter
Of former Queen Channary?
Find her, quite so close,
But all too far,
Hope that she is not too late,
Hope the sand does not run out,
Hope that all will not be lost,
Hope that nothing falls to hate.

April: A Lunar Chronicles Fanfiction (TO SOON BE EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now