Chapter 14 Classes and Plans

Start from the beginning

"This is one of the first books I read.-" He handed it over to me. I can't read the title..

"Seriously? This isn't even in english."

"I'm more surprised that English was my first language. This is in old norse, it explains the basic knowledge on the areas on magic able. This might teach you a bit more on shadow and teleport magic as well as what to expect on other magics."

"Cool, why didn't you give me this before?"

"I've tried but it's not in the Camelot library and I haven't searched through the Arcane's library yet. I'm going to try and teach you more broad spells while we're here so you can have more of a reach of defense." He bumps our shoulders together and sits down on one of the beds. "While we're here, might as well learn something, am I right?"

"Yeah. Speaking of which, mind giving me a rundown on the family?" He gives a small laugh

"Starting with Queen Circe. Her magic is based on her voice, like I had said before. I believe it had to be learned to make every word a possible spell. I'm not sure if she can do any other magic, but I'll never rule that out for her.."

He went back to the bookshelf and grabbed the same book he previously had. This time taking it with him as he leans against a wall facing close to me.

"She only uses her magic on a singular person if they're mentally weak or if she truly needs to. She acts like she needs loads of magic to survive. Also her emotions are almost never true or shown."

"Freaky woman. So like, stay mentally strong, and always be aware?"

"Yeah, pretty much. King Alonso is practically the opposite of Circe. His magic comes from emotions, so it's rash and uncontrollable and unpredictable. He leads with anger and hatred more than any other emotion." He shudders from a memory

"I won't tell you how to behave around him, but I used to agree with him until I could leave his presence. Until recently that is, I believe I'm strong enough to fight against him now."

"Yesh, sounds like a terrible family already."

"I have two more brothers that just add to it."

"How'd you survive?" I'm looking at the bookcase again.

"Survival instinct mostly. Stay quiet, agree to everything, do anything I want in secret, and get out the first possible chance."

"Next in line, Prince Azrael, he doesn't rely on his magic as much as he probably should. Better at physical fights and swords. I believe the only reason he hasn't been told to use more magic is because of the times when someone forces us into anti-magic fields. He tends to be the main fighter then because everyone else is to stupid to realize it happens too often to matter."

"He can do basic spells like levitation and a few lightweight charms for his armor or other things."

"So practically useless with magic." I think Douxie found what he was looking for, because he held onto it and looked through some drawers for something else.

"Pretty much, but he could've learned an anti-magic spell by now. That'd at least make having to fight him a bit more interesting."

"That's not a good thing." He sighs

"Yeah, It probably isn't."

"Ezekiel isn't that powerful, as the twins said. He uses incantations and runes to perform anything. While you and I only have to do so with the more difficult spells or newer ones. But because of that, he knows more theory and is a lot more book smart than a typical person."

"Wow, that's terrible. And then th twins?"

"I have absolutely no clue what they can do." He says with a laugh

"How could you not know?"

"They do so many random things that I have the theory that they combine their powers or something like that."

"So you really have no clue.."

"Hey! I haven't seen my family in centuries. I have no clue of any current motives or powers on anyone, I'm just running off of hopes, prayers, and sheer luck."

"Hisirdoux~" Circe calls from outside the door with the dubbed 'siren voice', walking inside the room.

"Mother." He responds, not even looking at her.

"Be kinder dear. No-one appreciates disrespect." I can see him roll his eyes before stopping his search and leaning against a wall to give her some attention at best.

"Ah Kara, I see you're wearing the dress I got you. It looks amazing on you."

"My name's Claire."

"Close enough-" She turns to Douxie "-Your father wants to resume those lessons he had with you."

I can see him just barely stiffen before relaxing a bit more than before in a split-second.

"He wants you down in the courtyard soon to see where you are currently."

He nods and walks out. I can feel his magic just barely reaching me as a sign that he's not actually leaving yet. I wonder how he's able to do so before Circe faces me when he leaves.

"Now, you are going to be placed into some lessons of your own. I have to make sure Aridam didn't just bring home a useless charity case. Follow me, I will test you myself." Spelled?! That quickly?! Wow I need to work on my mental walls..

Walking out, I can't see Douxie. Continuing to follow Circe, she brings me into an empty, cobblestone room with five soldiers inside.. welp.


Douxie POV

Rest In Piece, Claire. I hope you'll survive her.. As she walks away, the twins let go of me.

"I didn't need your help."

"Sure you didn't. We're just here, Hisie."

"Stop calling me that." That respons is getting a bit too instinctual. "Have you two found anything useful in terms of escaping this hell-hole since gaining visual freedom last week?"

"Not really??"

"Mal, you need to get better at understanding his wording.."

"SHut up."

"Father is trying to do training again?" We walk in the direction of the training yard.

"Yup. Make sure Claire doesn't die with Circe."

"OH! You really don't use family titles with them!"

"Stopped a while after I left. Haven't used any titles for anyone as a norm past Arthur and Morgana as royalty and Merlin as my Master."

"I heard about that! So you really were his apprentice? What was it like?"

"Well it was hard, I tended to do chores often which was probably the hardest part af-"

"Of course you thought chores would be the hardest task. Did he even teach you magic? Or is he the exact snobby, over-exaggerated "Merlin" we were taught." Ezekiel said from where he appeared in the hall, rune stone in hand.

"Well, I wasn't ever taught how to do chores here, and he did help control my magic and keep it from lashing out which IS a thing. Merlin's a lot nicer than we were taught Zeek-" "Don't call me that." "-Arthur is the one to avoid."

"Yeah, whatever. Don't die on the first day. I've heard Mother's been getting some necro-mages and such to learn resurrection, and I don't think it'll be painless."

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