Chapter 9 - Declaration

Start from the beginning

A part of her wanted to believe that they were here just for fun, perhaps to exchange magical knowledge and experiences with them. Or perhaps she was overthinking it, letting her imagination run wild. Indeed, her tendency to overthink and analyze situations from different angles was a defining trait that often led her to deeper contemplation.

Yes, her intuition will be proved to be accurate, as the representatives from Beauxbatons had already arrived earlier in the morning in their elegant carriages. The carriages glided gracefully, almost as if they were floating above the ground. The craftsmanship was exquisite, with delicate patterns etched into the wood and silver trimmings that caught the light and sparkled like stars.

The trio returned to their lessons. Now being thought by the monotone ramblings of the ghostly Professor Binns in History of Magic. It was a rather uneventful lesson as well, they managed to persevere through the lecture by talking about the recent arrival of the foreign students and by the time lunchtime arrived, the students were eager for a break.


Seated at the Slytherin table, Blaise, Draco, Pansy, and Daphne were deep in conversation, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Rene entered the Great Hall, her gaze fixed on the crowd as she scanned the room for the familiar sight of pink hair that belonged to her Gryffindor friend, Danielle. Approaching, René asked 'Dani' about her being. "Hey Dani! How's your week been so far?"

Smiling Dani said, "It's been alright, thanks. Just settling back into the routine, you know?" After she was quickly inquired about her health by René "And the throat?"

"Oh, yeah. It was just a minor thing. I'm much better now, thanks for asking." Dani replied as she held back her laughter looking at Alicia, her best friend. The girl was telling the students nearby how she accidentally burned her homework in front of Professor McGonagall. Looking at her friends in the back, especially Draco darting her back for talking to a Gryffindor girl, René excused herself. "Anyway, I'll catch you later."

As she was turning around, for a brief moment her eyes laid on Hermione. The girl was annoyed at the boys for constantly asking her notes. The Gryffindor girl looked back her.

Thump Thump

Her face once annoyed now recovered and held a small smile. René did not smile back and she heard Danielle saying, "You too, René! See you around." René swiftly waved at the girl directly behind her and made her way towards the Slytherin table.

Su Li, a Ravenclaw, who was also just arriving in the Great Hall greeted "Hello there, René!" René greeted Su Li with a smile and a nod, a bit taken aback by the intriguing tone of her greeting. She couldn't help but wonder about it. What that was all about? she thought to herself.

She sat down, hungrier than ever. Draco's intention to question René was abruptly cut short as Dumbledore's commanding voice echoed through the Great Hall, demanding the attention of everyone present. "Good afternoon, students of Hogwarts," Dumbledore's voice boomed across the Great Hall, capturing the attention of every student. "I trust you all had a pleasant start to the school year. Today, I have the great pleasure of announcing a special event but before that I would let you know that Quidditch tournament for this year has be cancelled." Collective gasps echoed the humongous hall.

He paused for a moment, his eyes twinkling behind his half-moon glasses, he made a declaration, "As some of you may know, the Triwizard Championship is coming to Hogwarts this year. For those unfamiliar with this prestigious event, the Triwizard Championship is a magical competition between three of the most renowned wizarding schools: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang."

Ah there it is. René thought. René couldn't help but feel a sense of validation. Her earlier thoughts and deductions had proven accurate, and now she was on the brink of witnessing the arrival of her friends from her previous school, Beauxbatons. The excitement and nostalgia welled up inside her as she eagerly awaited their arrival, a mix of anticipation and embarrassment. Oh they will definitely critique the school. And me. And me being in this school. Ugh.

Dumbledore's gaze swept across the students, his expression both serious and excited. "Now, before I continue, let me stress that this tournament is not to be taken lightly. There will be three champions, one from each of the participating schools. They will be marked on how well they perform in the challenges that await them which will test their courage, intelligence, and magical skill. The selection of the champions done by an impartial selector: the Goblet of Fire."

Draco expressed his confidence, "You know I've got this in the bag, right? No one stands a chance against a Malfoy." Eyes were rolled. Pansy all too confident in 'her man'. Daphne interjected, "Oh please, Draco. If anyone's winning, it's going to be me."

Blaise, sitting next to her, leaned in and whispered into René's ear, "I guess they don't know why the whole thing was scrapped all those years ago in the first place, huh?" Their conversation was cut short by Dumbledore's interruption.

Dumbledore emphasized the age restriction: "Only students of seventeen years or older are eligible to become champions. The magical contract is binding, and any attempt to deceive it will result in dire consequences. Consider this carefully. If you're of age and wish to enter, do so at the Goblet of Fire in the entrance hall."

A collective gasp of disappointment filled the Great Hall as the age restriction was announced. Whispers of dismay and frustration spread like wildfire among the students. Amidst the murmurs, Draco voiced his frustration: "Why this restriction? My father can definitely do something about this." However, Dumbledore's commanding presence silenced the hall once again.

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