Chapter 5 - Inclination

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Total Words - 1023

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René, Blaise, and Draco managed to navigate their way back to the Malfoy Manor, their hearts still trembling from the day's unsettling events. Clutching the portkey that had transported them back, they moved with a mixture of weariness and anticipation, acutely aware of the ominous events that had unfolded around them. Despite their knowledge, the reality of it all still rattled them to their core.

What transpired a few hours ago was that the three teens deep in slumber awoke to an eerie stillness, only to discover that their parents were conspicuously absent. Confusion mingled with a growing sense of unease as they ventured outside from their premium tents. The scene that awaited them provided chilling clarity—commotion, voices, and an atmosphere of turmoil.

Quick-witted, René swiftly pieced together the situation, the realization dawning upon her. Urgency infused her actions as she turned to her friends, her voice steady with resolve. "Thats it. It doesn't look safe anymore. We need to get away from here," she insisted, her instincts telling her that their safety depended on a swift departure. However, Draco's response was swifter than anticipated. With a head start, he had already taken off, his decision fueled by a mix of fear and determination. The events under the night sky had left an indelible mark on them all.


Their parents finally returned that evening, exactly 24 hours after celebrating the exhilarating victory. Yet, the atmosphere had shifted drastically—what was once a joyous occasion had given way to a somber and unsettling reality, casting a shadow over their world.

Nobody dared to voice the questions that hung in the air like unspoken shadows. The details of what had truly transpired remained shrouded in silence, as if an unspoken pact had been formed to keep those inquiries buried. Who ordered it? What was this for? such thoughts lingered in René's mind.

Seeking solace within the confines of the manor, they settled in for the night. Exhaustion claimed Draco and the parents, their weariness from the events of the day rendering them quick to sleep. However, for Blaise and René, sleep proved elusive. They were gathered in René's room, huddled up in the bed. The echoes of screams and chaos reverberated within their minds, the images too vivid to be easily forgotten.

In the midst of the restless night, Blaise's voice broke the silence. "I wouldn't tell them, Rere," he spoke softly, his words tinged with a mix of understanding and conviction. "If that's what you're worried about, I wouldn't tell anyone. I don't care, to be honest. Slurs and all. You did what you thought you had to do. I don't want them dead either, even though they annoy the hell out of me."

René counted herself fortunate to have Blaise by her side in the UK, her steadfast friend amidst the tumultuous times they found themselves in. Their bond had been forged through the grand balls, elegant waltzes, and the annual gatherings that the sacred 28 families were accustomed to. While the official 28 families had dwindled in number, the strength of their collective connection remained resolute.

The Liors had earned their place within this close-knit society through invitations from families like the Malfoys, the Greengrasses, and the Zabinis. While others knew little about them, they held a distinct presence. Originating from France, they were once part of a purist society of 14 French families. However, the shift to the flatlands of Oxford in England three years prior had changed their circumstances. Vincent Lior had cited the need for change, both for his family and his business. The reasons behind this move remained shrouded in mystery, leaving those around them with a sense of curiosity.

Blaise's demeanor exuded an air of prim propriety and strength, a deliberate display of confidence that aimed to leave an impression. He carried himself with a poise that suggested he cared little for the opinions of others, an attitude that seemed to be a core part of his identity. While this attitude extended to those outside his closest circle, his interactions with his dearest friends painted a different picture.

With his closest friends, including René, Blaise's features took on a more playful and lighthearted quality. His playful nature was accompanied by a touch of sarcasm, adding a layer of wit and humor to his interactions. His upbeat energy often brought laughter to their midst, although there were moments when his quips might land with mixed reactions among his friends—inducing both amusement and perhaps a touch of exasperation.

Blaise and René shared a close bond that often sparked rumors of a romantic connection within the school. However, these speculations were far from the truth; their relationship was purely platonic, founded on a deep and affectionate sibling-like love for one another.

As time passed, they transitioned to lighter topics of discussion. Their conversations meandered from quidditch to fashion choices, and even to the distinct behaviors of various cat breeds. René's knack for sharing random facts and trivia, while intriguing, occasionally left Blaise yearning for some juicy gossip or more light-hearted topics. Eventually, exhaustion settled in, and they drifted off to sleep, them being together providing a sense of comfort and belonging to both.


The day after, rumours swept through the air like wildfire, fueling the anxieties of a concerned populace eagerly awaiting explanations. The morning's edition of the Daily Prophet bore the weight of a scathing critique aimed at the Ministry's security protocols, authored by the infamous Rita Skeeter. Within her article, insinuations were woven suggesting that bodies had been discreetly removed from the woods—a fabrication that bore no truth.

Meanwhile, the International Confederation of Wizards Quidditch Committee joined the chorus of criticism, directing their ire at the Ministry of Magic. They deemed the safety measures employed during the events to be gravely inadequate, especially in light of the well-known presence of a violent pure-blood inclination. As the aftermath continued to unfold, uncertainty and a sense of urgency coloured the atmosphere, revealing the deeper complexities of the situation.

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