Author's Note (A/N)

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Hello readers!
(If anyone does end up reading this 😫)

After investing a substantial amount of time in this project, I must admit that I never truly anticipated it would see the light of day. I'm aware that this should have come to fruition much sooner, but they say timing is everything. It's a departure from my usual writing style, but I sincerely hope it brings you some measure of joy.

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for joining me on this journey. Your unwavering support and love since I embarked on this writing adventure over a year ago mean the world to me. Thank you for not only reading this book but for being a part of this world. I treasure every single one of you  (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*).

Also, this is my very first attempt at writing any kind of fanfic. The updates might be slow and for that, I apologise in advance.

(English not being my native language may give rise to some grammar issues. Although I will thoroughly proofread the material, please inform me if you witness any such issues. Reviews are welcome as well! Just be respectful)

About the story :

- Original Female Character x Hermione fic
- We start at YEAR 4 (1994) (Although there will be flashbacks)
- There will be multiple plot twists. Belt up.
- LGBTQ+ (I hope nobody supports Rowling's and any general homophobic/marginal viewpoints. Love each other)
- Slowburn
- The technology that is used here and there is a bit more advanced than the 90s.
- Semi Canon Compliant (I will twist the original story a little bit)
- Major Character Deaths (This will include some canon deaths and some other OC deaths. Although, I will not kill some dead canon characters because I feel like it)


This story contains portrays darker themes and implications of mental illness, addiction, mild self harm and drugs/alcoholic substances. Profanity is frequently used to portray the natural thoughts and characteristics of the main character and supporting roles. It might contain smut/sexual scenes as well (no promises here, sorry).

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Masquerade (Hermione x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now