Astarion x Human Artist Reader (spicy fluff)

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Your name: y/n
Skin colour: y/s/c
Eye colour: y/e/c
Hair colour: y/h/c

♤. Got the idea reader draws Astarion to show him whatt he looks like from the tiktok of someone doing water colour of him. Very cool!!!

♤.This one is just wholesome kinda spicy because come on its Astarion!!!

♤.Astarion wants to take a bite out of the new girl but instead she offered to draw him. Will he want to know what he looks like as he keeps wishing for or will he decline?

Astarion sat bored while looking around the camp.

He took a sip of wine to try and entertain himself, his nose wrinkling at the taste. He looked up and saw a new but familiar face.

You had just joined along the group all you know is everyone's names and what they can remember.

"Ah y/n!! Hello darling."

"Hiya Astarion"
You looked at the handsome vampire.

He raised an eyebrow, looking you over for a moment before grinning.
"You don't look like you belong with the rest of these... peasants. What's a beautiful woman like you doing in a place like this?"

You sigh of course Astarion was the one person who did really pay attention unless it was about fighting or blood.

"Same problem as a lot of us that stupid mind flare thingy"

You said in frustration.

"Ah, yes, that damnable Tadpole. It can be quite a bother."
He said, a flicker of irritation crossing his face. His eyes roamed over you again, a smirk curving his lips.
"I don't think I've seen you before."

You was an interesting one. A pretty y/h/c headed human.

He rose to his feet and moved closer to you, the smirk growing into a predatory grin.

The smell of blood was heavy on his breath. His fangs glistened in the dim light, his red eyes blazing as they looked into yours.

"Ah yes quite new I am" You said with a smile.
Y/n seemed to be completely innocent in this world of dangers.

His grin sharpened into a sinister smile at that.
"Perhaps I could show you around, show you our little campsite."

He glanced around, noting the two Githyanki, their weapons close by. His gaze fell on Lae'zel. He didn't like her. She had that arrogance only some elves possessed.

"We could go somewhere...quieter." His voice was low and sultry now, the charm beginning to work.

His hand moved to your elbow.

"AW sure, thank you" You said cheerful with a big smile.

You followed along with the males hand on your elbow. Y/n didn't see the man as a predator. Just yet.

Astarion leaned in close, his fangs glittering in the dim light of the camp as he whispered to you, his breath hot on your ear.

"You're too pretty to be wasting your time with these boors." He said softly, leading you away. He smiled widely as you didn't resist.

"Aw they can't all can't be that bad"
They stopped close to a small river it was nice and quiet.

Astarion reached a hand up and cupped your chin, pulling you closer still, his red eyes blazing.

"And yet, they are. They lack the same... appreciation."
His voice was like honey as his fangs hovered over your throat.

You panicked, u were so out of it to realise how close he was.

"Um Astarion what are you doing?"
You spoke out slightly scared.

"You are as delicious as you are beautiful." Astarion whispered, his fangs just inches from your throat.

"You're very different than the others here, darling, they are all... boorish. He chuckled. "But you..."

"I'm what" you said wanting to know what he will say now not caring how close he is.

"Delicious, obviously." He said softly.

His fangs moved closer still, caressing your throat. His other hand moved to the nape of your neck, his fingers grazing the flesh.

His lips moved right against your neck.
"What delicious blood you must have.." He whispered.

You took a step back.

"Oh I thought u were going to say something nice"

He seemed surprised by that, but quickly recomposed himself.
"I am saying something nice. You have beautiful skin, and those... gorgeous locks of yours. You're... delicious. It is a compliment, dear."

"But delicious tho I know ur a vampire but come on"

"And just what, dearie, do you think I eat?!" He smirked and grabbed you by the hair, pulling you back towards him.

"The thought of drinking from you should excite you more than it frightens you."

"U are pretty scary, and I have just met u"
You said.

"And I want to know you, darling. And taste you." He said, his grip on your hair tightening. The smell of blood was heavy in the hot night air.

"Astarion?" You whispered out.

He raised an eyebrow, his fangs glinting as his eyes burned red. He kept his grip on your hair.

"Yes, darling?"

"Do you know what you look like?"

He tilted his head, and his grip on your hair loosened ever so slightly.
"Do I? Do tell me, why don't you?"

"No I can draw u if you wish I'm sure it's hard being a vampire and all you know not being able to look in a mirror"

Astarion laughed, his grip loosening more.

"Ah, well, I suppose I could humor you. It might be interesting to see what I look like." He stepped back, giving you room to sketch.

"Make sure to get my best side."

You sat down on the ground and constrained you began to draw the vampire in front of you.

You would look up now and then and couldn't help but blush now, and then he truly is handsome, beautiful even.

Astarion watched as you sketched him, a smile playing over his face as he looked at the outline forming on the parchment, a hand reaching up to touch his own sharp cheekbones.

"You do me justice, sweetheart. Thank you for indulging me..." He said softly, watching as you worked.

You got up and walked over to the handsome male.

"Here" you said in a small voice handing over the
drawn on the paper was a handsome man with lovely curly hair. With a sharp jaw that could cut you if u touched his face with high cheekbones.

Piercing eyes that could kill anyone who dare look to deep in them.

The drawing was well done was some talent that would have taken a long time to do drawings this good only within half an hour.

Astarion looked down, his eyes sparkling with delight.

"Why, this... is me!! Thank you, sweetheart. You're quite the artist. You have a talent."

He looked up at you as you stood over him, smiling broadly now. His red eyes burned with the sight of you, his body leaning towards you.

"This is quite lovely. And I'm much better looking in it. You've captured me so well."

"Your welcome" u smile

"I want to show you my appreciation." Astarion said softly, moving a hand up your thigh, his fingers grasping one of your thighs as he rose to his feet. "Why don't we go somewhere else, somewhere you can show me the depths of your artistry."

You blush.

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