"Alright, now jump." the ilu followed as it jumped out of the water before diving back in again.

Tsireya who was watching from the beach, cheered for the girl as she called her own ilu to go after Txana.

For the rest of the day, the two decided to just swim and talk as they got to know more about each other in just a day.

"You look good that outfit by the way, it suits you. Although i do admit, your old outfit that you were wearing when you first got here shows more of your curves." Tsireya said as they were going around the village.

Tsireya decided to give her a tour so that she knows where to go during meal hours to avoid the same thing that happened yesterday.

"Thank you, i like my old outfit too. But it's only used for battles, it's the only keepsake i have from my mother." Txana said with a smile, there was no sadness behind it because the girl had already accepted the deaths of her family a long time ago.

"That is great. I see you have moved on from their deaths." Tsireya had a kind smile as she said those words.

"Yes, it's a good thing." she replied as the pair of girls watched the eclipse until the sky was filled with stars.

"I'll go back to my pod first, i'll see you at dinner." Txana excused herself from Tsireya who gave her a nod before they both parted ways into their own marui pods.

As she entered her pod, she sighed and sat herself on her mat that she didn't roll up earlier before she left.

She can feel it, she can feel her spirit brother coming to her. She couldn't wait to see him, it felt like forever since she had last flown and she just woke up yesterday.

She already missed flying, and so was the forest. Though she was alone all the time, she had her own adventures inside the forest back home.

But now she was on an island, with reef people who saved her. She liked it here as much as she liked the forest, so she was going to stay where Eywa has taken her.

Her thoughts shifted towards the clothes she was currently wearing, it was all white and it definitely wasn't her color.

Before she could even get close to where she had put the clothes Tsireya had given her, she heard someone call her from outside.

"Txana? Are you in here?" she saw Aonung poke his head into the curtain as their eyes met.

"U-um.." he cleared his throat as he stood properly and opened the curtain. "my parents wanted me to invite you to have dinner with us." he continued as if didn't just do anything silly a few seconds ago.

She chuckled at the boy's behavior, she found it cute how he went from silly to formal.

"Okay, i'll come." she walked towards him outside of her marui pod.

"Lead the way." she said when he didn't move as he cleared his throat again and started walking ahead while she followed behind him.

They reached the communal area and headed towards the table of the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik.

"I see you, Tonowari and Ronal." she greeted the smiling couple who returned her greeting before she sat beside Tsireya.

She was sat in between the siblings while Tonowari and Ronal were sitting on the other side of the table in front of them.

"So how are your lessons going so far?" Tonowari asked the two girls when they all began to eat.

"It is great, father! Txana is a fast learner, i only needed to teach her how to breathe underwater and ride an ilu." Tsireya replied proudly, being the one who accomplished teaching their guest everything in one day.

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