Mono vs. Seven x Reader: Pick me!

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(Requested by Yuki_the_Fallen)

Y/N looks behind them and sees their two best friends, Mono and Seven. They've all been friends for a long time now, but recently those two have been acting a bit different than usual.

It's probably nothing! Maybe. I don't know...

Currently, Seven is trying his best to catch up with me and Mono. "Hey, Seven, are you coming?" I ask him. "Y-Yeah, I'm coming. You're just too fast.."

"Do you want to stop for a break?" I ask, concerned about him being out of breath. "T-That would be nice, yeah." Seven sits down in the grass, happy to finally not be walking for hours anymore. 

I sit down next to Seven, admiring the sunny sky. Mono decides to sit next to me. "Um...Y/N?"

"Hm? What is it?"

"Can I hold your hand?"

Not seeing any reason not to, I hold his hand. He seems happy, though his paper bag is covering his expression. 

Unbeknownst to me, Seven was glaring at Mono. He then looks back at me. "C-Can I hold your hand, too...?"

Sensing the tension in the air, I ask what's happening. "Uh, did you two fight or something?" They both deny it. Silence fills the air, as none of us really knew what to say. Until Seven spoke up.

"Y-Y/N, there's something I need to tell you..."

"Yeah? What is it?"

He takes a nervous breath before continuing. "I-I've really like-"

"Y/N, I've had a crush on you for a while now." Mono interrupts Seven. Hearing this, Seven looks a bit offended. "H-Hey! Don't listen to him! He p-probably doesn't even like you like I do."

"Of course I do! I've probably liked them longer than you have." Mono defends himself. He then realizes he sounded a bit mean, and was surprised by his own words.


They both like me? Since when? Why? I knew they'd both been acting differently than usual, but I didn't expect this!

"Wait, you both like me?"

They both nod at my question. "S-Surely you like me more, though! Right...?" Seven asks me. 


"Seven, don't just put them on the spot like this. You can take all the time you need, Y/N!" 

Seven shakily responds. "A-Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to put pressure on you! T-That's not what I was trying to do..."

I go silent for a moment. Do I really have to choose? Wow, the world is just cruel sometimes...

"Can't I just like you both?"

"I-It would be better if you choose, you know? B-But take as long as you need!" Seven nervously responds. Mono nods in agreement.

Why must I be tortured in this way?

"Hey, let's forget about all of this for a moment. I'm a bit hungry, how about you two?" Mono asks me and Seven.

"Well, I guess I'm a bit hungry. Why?" I ask Mono.

"Let's go eat something! My treat!" He grabs my hand and leads me towards a food stall.

"H-Hey! Don't just take off without me!" Seven gets off of the grass and follows after us. When he arrives beside us, he grabs Y/N's other hand, still a bit jealous of Mono.

Well, this is quite the situation I've found myself in...

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