How would they feel about PDA?

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(Requested by WaffleXD3818)


She's not the best at showing or receiving affection publicly. She isn't afraid of being judged or anything, she's just closed off around other people. She won't reject affection from you, just don't expect to receive any back. She does enjoy affection when it's just you two, though.


It doesn't matter if it's in public or not, he enjoys any and all affection from you. Sometimes, he'll even do it first! He finds you adorable! You two are now getting ice cream later.


Despite being nervous about you showing him affection around other people, he still tries to do it back. Mainly by holding your hand, as he's a bit afraid of losing you. When it's just you two alone, though, he gets a bit clingy.

Raincoat Girl

She doesn't see what could be embarrassing about PDA. In fact, she's not good at showing affection at all to you, public or not. You do have to initiate most of the interactions, but when you do it's her favorite part of the day!

Shadow Six

They're a bit awkward about it. They don't know if they should return the affection or ignore it. They will most likely just freeze up, not knowing what to do in the slightest. Most of the time, though, they do return the affection.

Thin Man

(As he is in the Signal Tower, there isn't any way for him to be in public. In this scenario, he's just going to be outside of the tower.)

It doesn't matter if it's out in public, he's a bit touch starved, so he enjoys your affection. He enjoys hugs the most, as it makes him feel less alone in the world.

The Lady

She's always the one initiating it, even if it's in public. She'll just randomly hold your hand, or compliment you to no end. In her eyes, you are absolutely gorgeous and you deserve to know it! Sometimes, she'll also play with your hair if you like that sort of thing.

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