its what she deserves

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Setting: Tao Los Angeles

Tao LA had essentially been transformed into a night club, filled to the brim with everyone from all walks of Hollywood life to celebrate the new season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Of course they were filming but Demi had learned that they were always filming, whether they actually planned to use the footage for the show or not. Although she had technically been apart of the Hollywood crowd since she was 15, Demi still felt a little out of place as she maneuvered through the party. One, she was trying to steer clear of the bar. She hadn't had a drink since she went to court and she was trying to keep it that way. Two, there were people there who definitely knew who she was, had definitely witnessed her snort a line or two, yet refused to speak to her and even had the audacity to whisper behind her back. The whole thing was just uncomfortable and Demi wished she could take something to make this whole party a little bit easier.

Kris was off mingling with the press and Demi really didn't want to bother her. Kylie and Kendall were with their friends. Demi had started the night with them but everytime she was around them it just reminded her that those people were Kylie and Kendall's friends, not hers. And Demi wasn't close enough with Khloe and Kourtney to go dance with them on the bar, even though Kourtney was heavily pregnant.

"Kris, we have to ask you about your house guest! We have to talk about it!" Demi heard, causing her to turn around. Someone was trying to grab Kris's hand and tug her towards a secluded corner for a quick quote but Kris wasn't having it. When she wanted to be nice to the press she was, but most of the time she couldn't stand them.

"There's really nothing to talk about but thank you," Kris said, discreetly signaling her bodyguard as Demi decided to disappear into the crowd, until she was cut off by a man that had a little bit too much height over her.

"How can you be miserable at a party like this?" He questioned, looking down at her with a smirk before he took a sip of whatever was in his glass.

"How do you know I'm miserable?" Demi bit back as she narrowed her eyes.

"You've been moping around for the past hour. What gives? I always want to make sure my guests enjoy the place. How can I improve?" He grinned as Demi furrowed her eyebrows.

"You own this place?" Demi questioned, looking around the crowded restaurant.

"Of course, nena," he grinned at her again and Demi felt her skin crawl. She was about to reply until she felt someone wrap their arm around her waist and tug her into their body. Rob.

"She's taken, man," Rob hissed, causing the older man to roll his eyes before he walked away. Demi turned to Rob with a questioning look but he simply grabbed her by her hand and led her to the bar.

"Stay away from him," Rob demanded as Demi raised her eyebrow. Rob had decided to move back home so the two had gotten close but not close enough for him to be telling her what to do.

"Who was that?"

"His name is Wilmer Valderrama and he's a total sleaze ball. I'm serious, Demi. Stay away from him," Rob ordered as Demi rolled her eyes. She wasn't really interested in getting into anything with anyone anyway, but she was also so bored. Her life used to be so fun. Now it was just depressing.

"Demi!" Great. Someone else who wanted to talk to her. When Demi turned around, Chloe Bridges was standing in front of her with a wide grin on her face.

"What the fuck happened to you? One minute we're all headed to South America and the next Papa Jonas put a gag order on the whole tour and told us we weren't allowed to speak to you!" Chloe said as Demi's mouth nearly dropped.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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