Pepa undid the scarf in her hair, airing out the fabric before placing it around Mirabel's head, tieing it tight under her chin.
" In case anyone sees you, and it will protect your pretty hair," She explained while caressing Mirabel's cheek softly, holding back her tears.

Quickly, the two made their way downstairs, the house helping as well.
Waiting by the door were Felix, Dolores, Camilo, and Antonio.
" There she is," Felix said in a whisper as he placed a long kiss on Mirabel's forehead, smiling brightly as usual.
" We were able to sneak away without notice, but people will start looking soon," Camilo popped in, the birthday boy himself, little Antonio, stood at his side.
Immediately did the child wrap his arms around Mirabel's waist, squeezing her tight.
" I'll miss you, thank you for being here for me," Antonio whispers loud enough for Mirabel to hear.
The two shared a good hug before pulling apart, Camilo was up next.

They shared a tight embrace, not fully wanting to let the other go.
" Be safe out there Prima, and if that boy breaks your heart, don't worry, I'll come to break his legs," The shapeshifter chimes, Felix nodding in agreement in the background.
He gives his prima one last good squeeze before removing his beloved ruana and helping her into it.
" It'll get cold out there, and to remember me," He said tearfully before allowing his sister to have her turn with their prima.

Immediately did the older girl wrap Mirabel in a hug, squeezing so tight she couldn't breathe.
" I promise, I'll take this secret to my grave, just promise you'll write and tell us all about your new life," Dolores couldn't hold back her tears as she spoke, trying to keep them at bay.
Mirabel only smiles, her tears falling.
" I will hermana, you can count on it, and when I have a daughter, I'll name her after you," Mirabel replied and embraced her oldest hermana once again, just as tight as before.

Once outside, Felix helped her onto a horse, strapping in her bags nice and tight.
" Now remember Mi Amor, we love you, so very much, nothing will ever change that," The man said while placing a kiss on Mirabel's hand.

Before she left, Dolores handed off her signature red hair bow, which Mirabel quickly pocketed away.

With a whip of the rains, she was off, booking it down the main street, looking back as Pepa and her family waved goodbye.

As Mirabel faded from their vision, the warm-colored family hurried back inside, giving thanks to the beloved house.
" Don't worry, Mira will be just fine, she's strong," Felix said upon seeing the expressions on his children's faces.
Pepa quickly wrapped her arms around her oldest as Felix plucked Antonio off the ground and into his arms.

They made their back into the party, everyone completely none the wiser, including Julieta and Augustin, who were helping around.


Wind hide Mirabel in the face as she rode her way down the main town road, turning off to the right when she reached an old abandoned farmhouse on the edge of town.

At a much calmer pace, she made the rest of the journey in silence.

After about 20 minutes, she arrived at the wall, where another person was waiting.
It was a boy, about her age with chocolate skin, a head of coily black hair, and green eyes, leaning against the wall patiently.

Upon laying his eyes on her, he smiled with pure happiness.
Mirabel hopped off her horse and ran to him, arms open wide.

The boy ran to meet her, picking her up in his arms and spinning around.
" Mirabel! Mi amor! You made it!" He shouted with glee while Mirabel's giggles subsided as he placed her back down.

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