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Back at the Dursleys'. Petunia and a bundled up Dudley come in.)

Petunia was assuring a distressed Dudley,"It's all right, sweetheart. It's all right."

"I would feel bad for the little shit if he wasn't such a brat.",Marlene said and many nodded in agreement.

(They walk in the living room. Harry and Vernon enter. Vernon slams the door and shoves Harry against a wall, taking his hair.)

"Get your hands off him!"

"Ow!",Harry complains.

"Vernon! Leave him alone!",Petunia told him while still trying to assure Dudley.

(Meanwhile,outside Monica and Flora could be seen arguing.)

"What happened?! Tell what your freak of a brother did to my Dudley!",Monica demanded.

"I already know I'm going to hate this bitch.",Lily said.

Meanwhile Rebekah said,"I can already tell I'm going to end up killing her."

Flora glared at her,"His name is Harry and he did nothing to your son."

"Yes he did! Don't lie!",Monica snarled at her.

"He did nothing to Dudley. End .of.story.",Flora said while trying to walk inside but Monica roughly got her arm and threw her to the ground.

"Yeah...I'm killing her.",Rebekah said as if confirming what she said earlier.

"And I'll help!",Marlene told her.

"Answer me!What did he do?! Because I know for sure that glass doesn't just disappear.",Monica snarled.

"You only know what your two braincells allow you to know,Monica.",Flora told her.

Some chuckled at them.

"You tell her, Flora!",Petunia

"Why you little-",Monica said and was about to hit her.

Kol narrowed his eyes on the screen,"Elijah,if this bitch hits my wife,make sure to write her on the new kill list."

"You have a kill list?",Sirius asked him surprised.

Kol nodded,"We have many."

"My cousin Bella also has one!"

"..Best way to bond as a family.",Elijah told Sirius.

"Hmm...is there a way I can join you on this new list?..after all,we will be family in the future.",James asked Kol while Lily looked at her husband horrified.

Kol only smirked,"I don't see why not."

"What you're going to hit me? What will the neighbors say?",Flora said mockingly,"Oh! Did you hear that Monica hit an 10 year old? Poor defenseless little girl!"

Many chuckled at the girl's antics.
Monica lowered ber hand.

Flora stood up and glared at her,"That's what I thought."

(The Camara moved back inside.)

Vernon ignored Petunia and continued glaring at Harry,"What happened?!"

"Is Vernon on the new kill list?",Petunia asked the Mikaelsons.

Finn answered her,"He was the first one on it."

" I swear I don't know! (Vernon snarls)One minute, the glass was there and then it was gone! It was like magic!",Harry tells him.

(Vernon scoffs at this, shoves Harry in the cupboard under the stairs and slams the door)

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