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"Is this thing on?",a sweet voice could be heard.

Kol froze. That was her. That was Flora's voice. Then he shook his head. It can't be her. She was dead... Though a small part of him desperately hoped that it really was Flora.

The screen then gained color and a girl, around the age of 15, with long red hair and beautiful green eyes appeared. She had flowers stuck in hair, thought it didn't look like she minded.

 She had flowers stuck in hair, thought it didn't look like she minded

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Everyone in the room froze in shock.
Half of them were in looked at their future niece/daughter in awe.

While the other half looked at her sadly,in disbelief,and with longing eyes.

"Hello..I'm Flora. Flora Potter. But I am also Flora Mikaelson.",the girl introduced herself,"Soo..I was informed that this video was specifically to reassure you that this wasn't a prank. That I'm really Flora and that I'm actually from the future....or should I say the past.... I'm not even sure myself."

Kol looked at his wife in disbelief. To others he looked unfazed. But inside,he was crying. He was crying. He was in pain but at the same time he was happy. Rejoiced. Hopeful.

The girl only smiled then said,"Anyways...I want to say hi to all of you. My mum never said that I couldn't,you do remember my mum, don't you Mikaelsons?..

The Mikaelsons nodded. They rembered Ayana Bennett. They also remembered the day when Ayana adopted little Flora into her family. That was the day that they all gained sister,a friend,and the day Kol unknowingly met the love of his life.

..And for those of you who are confused,I'm talking about my first mum...from my first life.",Flora said.

The Marauders and Petunia looked at the screen with understanding eyes.

"Anyways...Hi Uncle Frank. Hi Aunt Alice. You know, I'm friends with your son...he's my best friend..though nothing more..he's more of a brother to me...I know he wou-will make you proud.."

"The baby's a boy?!",Alice said surprised. Though she looked extremely happy.

"Our kids are best friends, Frankie!",James told Frank in a cheerful voice.

Frank only smiled.

They didn't notice as Petunia once again looked at her stomach sadly.

"...Hi Moony! Hi Padfoot! How are you guys? I know your older versions are doing well, but how are you..the younger versions I mean by that...You know,you guys are going to get old..So enjoy your youth,Siri!FYI, your older self already has a lot of very grey hairs.",Flora said and chuckled. She knew that the last bit of information would make Sirius freak out.

Sirius gasped,"Grey hairs?!"Then he turned to Remus,"Moony! Check my hair! It can't turn grey!"

Remus only rolled his eyes fondly.

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