Pokemon AU

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hello you... i dunno man. i was gonna say i completely forgot about this book but that'd be a lie, i just lost motivation to write ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also, debating if i should add other spidey characters and/or peter parker... but like, so there's many peter parkers??? spidernoir technically counts as one 💀

anyway, i will let you have half of your free will to decide which pokemon you want as your partner; i honestly dont care if its an op one either, i think that would be funny LMAO

   Gwen Stacy
Her poke-partner: Empoleon (shiny)
Her specialty: Fairy + ice types
Role: Friends/travel partner
     In this universe, you and Gwen are allies! You work together to fight trainers and gym leaders, and help each other find your favorite pokemon in the wild. You've been friends since you were kids, and the two of you love fighting side by side in double battles.

Hobie Brown
His poke-partner: Dragalge
His specialty: Poison + dragon types
Role: Rival
     You and Hobie are rivals in this universe. Friends, but mostly rivals. You both wanna be the very best or whatever, but secretly he's only doing it to spend time with you. He doesn't actually care about being the best and throws battles on purpose.

Miguel O'Hara
His poke-partner: Incineroar
Type specialty: Dark + fire
Role: Gym leader
     Or whatever the equivalent of a gym leader is in your chosen region; like how in Alola they have those island guardians or whatever. So far, you have yet to beat Miguel's gym. Or are you purposely losing so you have an excuse to see him often?

   Miles Morales
His poke-partner: Charmeleon
Type specialty: Fire
Role: Friends/travel partner
     Same as Gwen, ya'll have been friends for a while and both decided to become pokemon trainers! You've been planning this for a while now so you both started your journeys together. You're both far from home but so long as you have each other, you'll dominate whichever region you're on together!

Pavitr Prabhakar
His poke-partner: Dachsbun
His specialty: Electric types
Role: Pokemon performer
     He has nice hair and an intricate ass suit, fight me. We'll say you saw him on Tv once and bumped into each other when he was being attacked by a pokemon that was much stronger than his. He's a performer so he spends more time caring for his pokemon than battling them, which is where you come in! Unless you also decide you wanna be a performer which in that case... crap. Whatever, you support each other in whatever role you decide to take.

His poke-partner: Samurott (Hisui)
His specialty: Dark types
Role: Gym leader
     No one has ever earned a gym badge from him because his "gym" is in a cave somewhere. No one even knows how he became a leader in the first place. Anyway, you literally only stumbled upon his cave because you got lost while looking for one of your own pokemon that also got lost in the woods. He's still color blind in this AU by the way, so to him every pokemon is a dark type unless the pokedex says otherwise; which is why he doesn't have one. Not much of a good gym leader if you ask me.

   The Spot
His poke-partner: Hoopa
His specialty: Psychic types
Role: Villain Team Leader
     Who the fuck gave him a Hoopa. And... where's the rest of his villain team? Whatever, doesn't matter. You met because someone reported a weird dude in a costume who stole their icecream, so you, being the nice trainer you are, decided to go after them! Only to realize he's actually not tough shit. Just don't let him find out about Hoopa's unbound form. Will you fight Spot, or team up with him?

man, this FUCKS- i had to use a pokemon generator for some of these because there's so many 😭 if you disagree with my poke partner choices, good for you /nm
OH SHIT WAIT i forgot to mention i changed my username; you can still call me ouija tho idc LOL

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