Spicy stuff

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I need someone to send spicy audios to 😭

My bf is asleep, one guy I want doesn't reply very often, another guy isn't ready for a relationship, and one that I'd except but don't necessarily want CHOSE SOMEONE ELSE OVER ME

God I want a guy older than me so bad. Not by any more than two years but fuck 😭 my bf is older than me but not by a whole lot

I have ✨daddy issues✨ okay. But also like

I've been thinking

Like for one, I wouldn't date a sub younger than me bc that feels weird. And for two, I just don't like younger people in general. But for three, having an older dom just like gives off a safe feeling yk.

I was also thinking abt the fact that if I ever had sex with a cis guy, not only would there be more boundaries but there'd be more expectations too 💀

Like with a cis guy I just need to know they see me as a guy and I already fucking love when someone says good boy. And I love being called babyboy. So like yk-

Wattpad is just making me realize how much of a bottom I am this isn't fair 😫

But anygays some monogamous people's existence makes me feel bad bc I feel bad that I'm poly, but my bf literally doesn't care. Like he's quite literally in another relationship too.

And it's like- he'll ALWAYS be my first choice. ALWAYS. But I feel bad that he's not my ONLY choice.

Also there's a guy on here but idk if he's poly and I don't like his partner 💀 BUT that's okay if they make him happy that's all that matters. BUT ALSO idk what he looks like and idk that's scary but I fucking love his personality yk and like idk the vibes are good.

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