The three engaged in various conversations, but their favorite topic revolved around cats, especially with Ginger present in the room.

They also touched upon different subjects like food, music, and today's weather. However, nothing quite matched the joy they found in sharing their mutual love for cats.

"Earth to Dino! Look at the time. Perhaps she wants to get some rest," Vernon suggests, glancing at Dino, who is observing Nabi play with Ginger.

"Ah, yes! Let's head out then," Dino agrees. The three exchange goodnight wishes, and Dino and Vernon take Ginger upstairs.

However, Nabi's attention is caught by something peculiar. She realizes that she didn't hear the door being locked. It seems that they forgot to lock the door.

Nabi swiftly assessed the situation. The two were headed upstairs, most likely to sleep, and the rest of the members were out.

They had mentioned another member who was home, but he stayed within the perimeter of his room, so Nabi discounted him as a factor.

This presented her with a rare opportunity to escape and break free from this place.

The thought of escaping from Minghao and her father ignited a spark of hope within Nabi, something she hadn't felt in a long while.

With determination, she got some medicines from the bag on the chair and discreetly tucked them into her sweatshirt pocket. No longer willing to remain passive, she resolved to take action.

Feeling a sense of urgency, Nabi was determined to leave as soon as possible. The late hour added to her anxiety, and she was concerned that the other members might return at any moment.

With cautious movements, Nabi opened the door slowly, her mind set on the destination outside. She had memorized the path during the time Hoshi had taken her to the garden.

Taking careful and deliberate steps, she moved with utmost caution, each footfall as light as a feather. Her goal was to avoid drawing any attention from the three members present in the penthouse.

In the living room, she meticulously scans her surroundings, ensuring the absence of any members.

With the same deliberate pace, she advanced toward the door, fully aware of the potential challenge ahead.

The possibility of other members returning at any moment added an extra layer of urgency to her escape plan.

As she moved forward, Nabi recognized that there was no turning back now. Just as she had done at the age of fourteen, she realized she had to stand up and fight for herself.

No one else would fight on her behalf; she was her own savior.

She eases the door open slowly, so silently that even she can barely hear its movement. The touch of a chilly breeze against her skin brings a flicker of hope to her expression.

Freedom – that's her current battle, and it's a fight she's determined to win.

Closing the door with the same deliberate slowness, she surveyed her surroundings. Knowing the automated gates required a fingerprint scan, she understood that option was off the table.

The last resort remained – jumping the fence. Heading toward the gate, she opted to follow a path through the dense cover of bushes and shrubs.

This way, if the members returned, she'd be shielded from their view.

A surprising turn of events unfolds. A taxi pulls up at the gate, and a noticeably tipsy Hoshi emerges, bidding the taxi driver farewell – a scene that seems to have played out multiple times already. Indeed, it appeared that Hoshi's night had come to an end ahead of the other members' night activities.

Nabi, hidden within a bush near Hoshi, watched as he opened the gate using his fingerprint.

His steps were unsteady, indicating his disorientation, yet the expression on his face clearly indicated he had quite a memorable night.

As Hoshi took about 3 minutes to reach the main door and finally enter the house, Nabi's sense of alarm grew.

His presence was now a cause for concern. If, in his intoxicated state, he were to stumble upon her empty room and raise the alarm among the other members, all her efforts would likely be in vain.

Nabi's thoughts raced as she abandoned the concern about Hoshi's potential discovery. Her focus was solely on the fence, an obstacle standing between her and the freedom she desperately sought.

With resolute steps, she closed the distance to the fence, ready to overcome an obstacle that loomed over two meters high.

The height didn't deter her; she was willing to do whatever it took to break free, to reclaim her sense of liberation once more.

Standing before the imposing fence, Nabi recognized this as her final barrier. Her hands trembled slightly as she reached out, fingers finding purchase on the cold metal.

Summoning all her determination, she pressed her palm against the fence, her legs gathering strength beneath her as she prepared to propel herself upward.

Nabi's heart raced as she began her ascent, fingers gripping the metal bars with determination. Her muscles strained as she pushed herself upwards, legs propelling her higher.

Each moment felt like an eternity as she struggled to overcome the obstacle before her, driven by an overwhelming desire for freedom.

Standing atop the fence, Nabi's heart raced as she assessed the height she needed to jump. With a deep breath, she tried to calm her racing thoughts, repeating to herself that this was her chance at freedom and everything would be alright.

The mantra echoed in her mind, giving her the courage she needed to take the leap.

Releasing the metal bar, Nabi's body plummeted down, the ground rushing up to meet her with a resounding impact.

The shock vibrated through her limbs as her body touched the ground, sending a jolt of pain through her.

For a moment, she lay there, her heart pounding, a mixture of relief and discomfort flooding her senses.

Getting up, her body aching from the impact, Nabi began to run, each step a struggle against pain and fear. Her only goal was to put as much distance between herself and that place as possible.

Anywhere was better than being back in their clutches, facing the terrors that awaited her. So she ran, driven by desperation and a yearning for the freedom she had been denied for far too long.

Her gaze locked onto a distant light, a glimmer of hope in the dark. Nabi's heart raced as she thought it might be a car. In the midst of the surrounding forest, the likelihood of anyone else being there was slim – most likely, it was the members. The ones she was running from.

As she drew closer to the light, more lights came into view in the distance. A surge of fear gripped Nabi's heart as the realization hit her – the approaching cars belonged to the members.

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to be continued..


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