Chapter 52

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Charlie's POV

"Okay, so there's this guy. His name is Louis. I met him at the airport along with his friends. He was so rude and ignorant, but I followed him anyways. He slowly tortured me into the life of love I guess. We hated each other at first, but that weird connection became an odd love.. that I'm not even sure he feels."

I let the blonde girl vent to me as we shopped around the mall. After she vented, she let me vent as she tried her best to wipe her tears from her makeup and tear stained face.

"I think I know a Louis.. what's his last name?" She looks up at me and my heart races fast. What are possible reasons she would know Louis? Have they been together before?

"Louis.. Tomlinson," I gulp and she looks up at the ceiling before shaking her head to which I am extremely relieved.

"Louis Tomlinson.. doesn't ring a bell," she confirms and I finally manage to actually smile.

"So.. your man. What's his name?" I hesitantly ask. I don't want her to start crying again, this is a bit too soon.

"I'd rather not mention him right now.." she gives me a fake shy smile and I nod and respect her wanted to let the situation go.

Actually, I am nosy. It is killing me that I don't know his name.

But, I keep calm.

"Thanks for cheering me up. So many people didn't even notice me," she chuckles "it is getting a bit late. Do you want me to walk you home so you aren't in the dark all by yourself because of me?"

"No that's fine. I don't really have anywhere to go anyways. All my choices involve people who I have problems with at the moment. Living with my enemies," I giggle at my own joke to hide the awkardness and embarrassment of not having anywhere to go.

"Oh that sucks. Well you can stay at my place for a bit. Until you settle everything. My boyfriend left the apartment earlier anyways," she chokes back a few tears that come along with the thought of her boyfriend "so I no longer have a roomie."

"Oh no, I don't want to be a burden.."

"A burden? No way! I love getting to know new people and this is a great way to get to know you! And plus, I don't think at this time it's a great idea to leave me at the house alone."

I sigh and agree with the fact she can't be left alone after her terrible breakup.

"Okay," I give in "but, what is your name?"

"Linda," she tells me as she pushes open the mall exit "what's yours?"

"Charlie. Just Charlie. Not Charlotte or anything," I giggle to myself when Niall comes to mind.

"Okay just Charlie, let's go!"

I cringe at the horrible nickname and she just laughs as we walk out of the mall plaza.

"My apartment is a bit messy.. there was a bit of argument that led to destruction.." Linds warns me.

"Did your boyfriend abuse you?" My eyes grow wide and she shakes her head frantically.

"No no no, I just threw his stuff around after we argued and he stormed out the house, swearing he would never return," she explains to my scattered mind.

"Oh, well did he cheat on you? How did you find out?" I begin to let some of my million questions be asked until Linda gestures for me to wait a moment as she walks up to her door and unlocks it.

There are male clothes everywhere, which I assume all belong to one guy. There are broken pieces of glass here and there and some ripped papers around the house. Muddy footprints track the house and there is one specific broken frame that catches my eye. The picture inside it to be exact.

It was a picture of two people ripped in half. One half is Linda and the other half is someone I never would have guess.


Ooh!! Zayn!! Still debating on whether he should be out of the story or not lol. And I imagine Linda as Chelsea Kane from the show Baby Daddy. I put a picture of her above the chapter so you guys can have a visual (: and my phone screen is fixed but exam week is next week + the week after so most of my time will be spent on studying. But, i will try my best to update often for the next two weeks. But I will be posting regularly when testing is over (: love you guys x
Vote please! x

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