Chapter six

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I had a lot planned out for this chapter note but I forgot about everything lol.

Anyway, please join my discord server!


"I need pancakes. Please tell me you still have pancakes." Peter strolled into the communal kitchen, sitting down behind the bar table, half asleep. Tony raised his eyebrows. "Good morning Tony. How was your night Tony? It was fine, I slept for once. Thank you for asking Peter!" Tony said, imitating a high-pitched voice for Peter's part.

Peter narrowed his eyes. "I don't sound like that." Stark snorted and made his way to the coffee machine. "You do."

"I don't."

"You do."

"Do not."

Before the two could continue bickering, Clint came into the communal kitchen. He let out a huge groan and hit his head against the bar table, startling Stark.

The man in question perked up from the coffee machine and frowned. "What's up with you?" The archer didn't give out a response.

"We were up for three days doing a stake-out, and Clint had a migraine during the whole thing. Wearing his hearing aids is hurting, so it's sign language, lip reading and writing for now." Natasha appeared out of nowhere, and Stark spilt some of his coffee next to the machine. He muttered something about "stupid spies can't give me a damn break" while cleaning the spilt liquid, rolling his eyes when Peter snorted at him.

Natasha looked back at her best friend and gave a light snort. "Now he's just asleep." Then to Peter, "Good Morning Peter." Peter gave a small wave and a smug smile.

Stark jumped again when he heard another voice pop out of nowhere. "Он похож на ребенка, у которого отняли конфету." Bucky Barnes said. (He looks like a child who has been robbed of candy.) Natasha snorted at Barnes and replied. "Он делает." (He does.)

"You know that I can understand you, right?" Stark deadpanned, pointedly not looking at the newly joined person.
"Я в курсе." (I'm aware.) Barnes turned to Tony. The genius seemed like he wanted to remark something snarky but refrained from doing so. So he went for a safer option instead. "Is it one of those days?" Bucky shook his head. Nat replied for him. "We just converse in Russian."

Peter nodded absently at the newfound information, filed it away, and turned to his mentor. He noticed how tense he looked. Peter frowned. He knew that something happened between those two and Captain America, but he never knew the full story. Peter sighed. He'd figure that out later. Now he needed his pancakes. "Mr Stark?" He spoke, and the three adults turned their attention to him. Peter blushed a little at the unexpected eyes prying him.

Peter noticed that now Bucky's eyes weren't on Tony anymore, however, the man visibly relaxed a little. It seemed like he wasn't the only one that noticed. Natasha gave the both of them an assessing look. Bucky saw it too, and his stance tensed after the small realisation. Peter felt a little bad. Only a little.

"Are there pancakes?" Stark sighed, clearly happy with the topic change. "Yes, there are still pancakes from yesterday. I'll set up a plate for you. Barnes, Romanoff, pancakes?" Bucky gave a slight doubtful nod and sat behind the counter with calculated steps. Natasha spoke up. "Sure. Can you make a plate for Clint too? He has to wake up." Stark nodded affirm and got to work, making Clint's plate first so the spy could wake up.

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