Chapter five

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Four days have passed since Peter met the Murder twins. Nothing special happened in those, but he did get pretty close to them in barely four days. The spies were pretty cool, even though Peter had small doubts in the beginning. They were on the opposite side of the Civil War, after all.

Ms Natasha took it upon herself to help him with some fighting techniques, while Mr Barton helped him with better aiming and parkour during Peter's free time. He also offered Peter how to dismantle a gun too, but he declined the offer.
He preferred to punch them out of the Bad Guy's hand and web them up, out of reach for anyone but the police when the webbing had dissolved. Peter still panicked every time he had to hold one, let alone disarm one. No guns for him, thank you very much.

Tony was reluctant about the whole situation at first, still not being fully trustworthy about either of them. Mostly Redhead. But he eventually decided that it'd be good if the spies helped him out a little. As far as Tony hated to admit it, he couldn't help Peter with everything, and those two were overqualified in almost every field. It was a good thing. Scary, but good. At least in this situation. Even though they seemed to be thoroughly assessing Peter. Why? Tony didn't know. But then again, those two were creepy, and weird, and seemed to assess everyone they'd met. It made the engineer's skin crawl with paranoia and distrust, but he reminded himself that they always have been like that. So he tried to ignore it as much as possible, for his own sake. Tony just hoped that those two were the only Avengers, apart from him and Rhodey, that would know about Peter's extracurricular activities.


It was a Tuesday afternoon. The school bell went off, and Midtown High was now done with school for the day. Peter rushed out of the classroom and into the hallway. He managed to dodge a few papers and ignored nasty remarks thrown at him on the way out. Ever since Flash told everyone how he never got the papers for the trip, people started picking on him more, but Peter honestly didn't care. It was just your average Tuesday for him, literally. He sighed at another remark that was made and he slammed his locker shut. Peter quickly made his way to the exit, eager to get away.

Peter was greeted with the spring air right after he exited the school. There was a slight breeze that slightly made him shiver, but the sun shone. It was nice weather; not too warm and not too cold.

Peter readjusted his backpack strap and hopped off the stairs, looking for the familiar slick black Audi car and spotting it easily. Peter grinned and speed-walked to the car.

"Hi, Happy!" He greeted the older man as he got in. Peter closed the doors and all of the outside noise immediately quietened. Happy looked through the rear mirror and grunted as a greeting to Peter before driving away.

The teenager perked up as if suddenly remembering something. "You won't believe what happened today."
He started babbling to the chauffeur while struggling to fiddle with his seatbelt. That one was always a little annoying. He altered between telling his story and occasionally stopping to focus on the task at hand. He could use his super strength for a little support, but Peter feared that he would ruin the whole seat. He'd avoid that.

"Anyway, so the girl ran against the wall and those vials just exploded. They exploded, Happy!"

Peter gave a final tug to the seatbelt and it finally got in its place. He let out a small "Aha!", and then focused on telling the rest of his story to the older man.

"So Mrs Garcia stormed in and started ranting in Spanish. I have no clue what she said because it was too fast, but going by the faces of the people that do speak Spanish, she seemed pretty mad. She started pacing and just lectured everyone while we waited for both a chemistry teacher and the janitor to show up. Mrs Garcia was so mad that her voice was as high as a chipmunk."

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