Chapter four

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EDIT: This chapter has been updated.


It was a Saturday morning, which meant pancakes as breakfast, more time for Spider-Man, and a long and nice lab session with Mr Stark.

Peter woke up and checked the time on his phone; 10:30 am. He woke up pretty late. Well, he didn't complain.

Tony and Peter stayed up for a long time taking care of his internship and changing his now newly updated lab schedule up; Instead of Monday and Wednesday in Tony's lab from 17:30 to 20:00, and on Saturday from 12:00 to 17:00, he would spend the Wednesday at the SI labs from 16:00 to 20:00 as an intern, hitting the maximum time that he's allowed to intern on a school night. That meant less lab time, a change in his regular civilian life schedule, and okay, maybe even less time as Spider-Man, but Peter was willing to give that up. He'd make up for it with a little more Spider-Manning on Saturday or Friday. He had permission.

He had.

He wouldn't get in trouble for that at all, nope. Capital 'N' with an 'ope' plastered behind it.

But that's beside the point.

Peter took a quick shower, not bothering to change into anything else but sweatpants and a hoodie. He took his phone from his bedside table en started his hunt for Mr Stark's oh-so-delicious pancakes. Mr Stark couldn't make eggs and spinach for shit, Mrs Potts - " You can say, Pepper, Peter." - told him, but all of his other dishes are Godly.

Following the smell, F.R.I.D.A.Y's directions - for some reason -, and getting more hungry by the second, he made his way to the communal kitchen.

...Communal kitchen?

...Did Mr Stark set the penthouse kitchen on fire again?

Well, it didn't matter. Peter was a hungry-enhanced teenager, and hungry-enhanced teenager meant a grumpy-enhanced teenager, and no one wanted that.

Even though it was the communal kitchen, he did not expect actually to see people other than Mr Stark.

But of course, he sees none other than Hawkeye and the Black Widow. And of course, they see Peter. In his hoodie and sweatpants. Two Avengers saw Peter in his hoodie and sweatpants.

Peter did what everyone would do in his situation; he dropped his phone - it's a StarkPhone, it'd be alright - in shock and gave his mentor a look of betrayal and confusion. The blond one of the two saw his face, and it was a hilarious one since he choked on his pancake trying - and failing - to contain his laughter, and the redhead gave him some firm slaps on his back and mumbled something in another language which resulted in the archer laughing even more. The Black Widow removed her hand from Hawkeye's back, looked at Stark with an eyebrow raised, and shot him an expecting look.

Said man realised that he needed to do actual introductions instead of letting the chaos unfold. That's so much work. He sighed, downed his remaining coffee in one gulp, and spoke. "Peter," he nodded at Peter, "Black Widow and Hawkeye, also famously known as Natasha Romanoff and not so famously Clint Barton." He nodded at the two spies, indicating that Hawkeye's name is still not public and therefore remains private. Peter gave them a short awkward wave that Hawkeye returned. Romanoff nodded. "Agent Ginger and Agent Hot Guy," Tony said, nodding at the duo again that shot him a piercing glare. "That's Peter. Parker. My intern." Tony said, emphasising the word 'intern'.

With the - amazing if you asked Tony - introductions out of the way, Tony looked at his empty cup and decided that he needed his sixth round of coffee for the day. He went straight for the coffee machine, but instead of pouring a new cup, he grabbed the whole pot and drank straight from it. The Black Widow, - Oh my God it's the Black Widow - gave the man a disgusting look. The brunette simply smirked at her. Hawkeye waited for Tony to take a - rather large - sip from his drink, and chose that moment to speak; "Tony, we already know that he's your son. We've known since you introduced him to us as Spider-Man."

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