-3% F I N E

24 3 0

(AN: 'underlined and slanted' = m e m o r y)

She was running.

'"You don't deserve a life"'


'"It'll only hurt a little."'


'"I can't believe my wife gave birth to such a hideous thing."'

She couldn't see, but she kept running.





She kept running.

'If the heroes won't help me, who will?!'

She stopped to catch her breath.

'No one...'

Suddenly, she bumped into someone.

She fell down, but made sure her cloak stayed covering her face.

"I-I'm sorry," she said in the loudest voice she could muster, bowing profusely.

She stopped bowing and looked at who she bumped into.

Green hair.

Green eyes.

A uniform...?

She stood up, her eyes glued to the floor. 

"I'll be going no-"

She felt the boys' eyes stare at her.

Not in a menacing or threatening way, but it was nonetheless frightening.

"Hey, um, sorry 'bout that," the boy said awkwardly. 


She was suspicious to him now...

She refused to show her face. Her entire wardrobe was black, not to mention a black cloak. She didn't want to talk. Every time she DID talk, it was quiet. 

'Could she possibly be a villain?'  He thought.

He stood up.

"Who are you?"

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