Chapter 8

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Cherie sighed as she studied for her midterm exams. Exams were a week away and she was nervous. These would be her first college midterm exams and she wanted to pass all of them. She had A's and B's in all of her classes so she needed to do good on her exams to keep them.

While studying Jeremiah called asking to come over and hang out. She allowed him to since she could use some company. When he got there, they went into her room, and she got back on her bed. Jeremiah sat at the foot of it.

"What you been doing?" Jeremiah questioned.

"Studying." Cherie rolled her eyes.

"That's what I need to be doing." Jeremiah chuckled.

"Have you started yet?"

"Nah, I'll start sometime next week." All Jeremiah did when he studied was look over the notes from lectures.

"Mhm, when are you going home?"

"That Thursday of exam week since that's when my last exam is. When are you leaving?"

"That Saturday after exam week, I have an exam that Friday." Jeremiah nodded. "We should hang out some during the break." Cherie suggested.

"I'll see if I can fit you in my schedule."

"You better." Cherie joked. "What are you going to be doing anyway?"

"I'm going to be working at my old job, Enterprise."

"Oh, that's a pretty good job. Why don't you work at the one here?"

"I don't really have time."

"Too busy making plays huh?"


"I know you sell weed." Cherie laughed. "I just never brought it up."

"You don't see anything wrong with it do you?"

"Nope, that has nothing to do with me." Personally, Cherie would never result to selling drugs but that didn't make her look at Jeremiah any different.

"But enough about that, why does your hair look like that?" Cherie questioned. Jeremiah's hair looked frizzy since he'd gotten it done in almost three weeks.

"Because someone hasn't did my hair."

"Well, someone didn't ask. You have not because you ask not, that's in the bible."

"Well, I'm asking now. Can you do my hair?"

"Let me think about it and I'll get back to you."

"I'll just find somebody else to do my hair."

"You do that then."

"I will, I bet it's plenty of girls that'll do it."

"And they're going to fuck your hair up too because half of them don't know how to do hair, they just want somebody to add somebody to their roster."

"Is that what you wanted?" Jeremiah joked.

"You could never be on my roster."

"Oh really?"


"This is coming from the same person who said I make them nervous."

"I didn't say those exact words."

"You basically did though." Cherie rolled her eyes.

"But those weren't my exact words like I said."

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